Current through December 26, 2024
A. "Engaging in business in this state" means
the selling or delivering in this state, or any activity related to the selling
or delivering of tangible personal property or prewritten computer software
delivered electronically or by load and leave for storage, use, or other
consumption in this state, as well as providing package tour and scenic and
sightseeing transportation services. The term includes the following acts or
methods of transacting business:
Maintaining, occupying, or using in this state permanently or temporarily,
directly or indirectly or through a subsidiary, representative, or agent by
whatever name called and whether or not qualified to do business in this state,
any office, place of distribution, sales or sample room or place, warehouse or
storage place, or other place of business;
2. Having any subsidiary, representative,
agent, salesperson, canvasser, or solicitor permanently or temporarily, and
whether or not said subsidiary, representative, or agent is qualified to do
business in this state, operate in this state for the purpose of selling,
delivering, or the taking of orders for any tangible personal property or
taxable services;
3. The regular or
systematic solicitation of sales of tangible personal property or taxable
services in this state by means of advertising in newspapers and other
periodicals; billboards; brochures, catalogs and similar advertising material
mailed to or distributed within the state to residents of this state;
telephone; computer assisted shopping networks; television, radio or other
electronic media intended to be broadcast to customers located in this
B. "Person" means
any individual, partnership, association, corporation, estate, trust,
fiduciary, limited liability company, limited liability partnership, or any
other legal entity.
C. "Retail
sale" or "Sale at retail" means any sale, lease or rental of tangible personal
property, prewritten computer software delivered electronically or by load and
leave, and/or package tour and scenic and sightseeing transportation services
for any purpose other than resale, sublease or subrent in the regular course of
business. The sale of tangible personal property to be used for purposes of
rental in the regular course of business is considered to be a sale for resale.
In regard to telecommunications service as defined in R.I. Gen. Laws §
retail sale does not include the purchase of telecommunications service by a
telecommunications provider from another telecommunication provider for resale
to the ultimate consumer; provided, that the purchaser submits to the seller a
certificate attesting to the applicability of this exclusion, upon receipt of
which the seller is relieved of any tax liability for the sale.
D. "Retailer" means:
1. Every person engaged in the business of
making sales at retail as defined above.
2. Every person making sales at retail as
defined above through an independent contractor or other representative, if the
retailer enters into an agreement with a resident of this state, under which
the resident, for a commission or other consideration, directly or indirectly
refers potential customers, whether by a link on an Internet website or
otherwise, to the retailer, provided the cumulative gross receipts from sales
by the retailer to customers in the state who are referred to the retailer by
all residents with this type of an agreement with the retailer, is in excess of
five thousand dollars ($5,000) during the preceding four (4) quarterly periods
ending on the last day of March, June, September and December. Such retailer
shall be presumed to be soliciting business through such independent contractor
or other representative, which presumption may be rebutted by proof that the
resident with whom the retailer has an agreement did not engage in any
solicitation in the state on behalf of the retailer that would satisfy the
nexus requirement of the United States Constitution during such four (4)
quarterly periods.
3. Every person
engaged in the business of renting any living quarters in any hotel, rooming
house, or tourist camp.
4. Every
person maintaining a business within or outside of this state who engages in
the regular or systematic solicitation of sales at retail as defined by means
a. Advertising in newspapers, magazines,
and other periodicals published in this state, sold over the counter in this
state or sold by subscription to residents of this state, billboards located in
this state, airborne advertising messages produced or transported in the
airspace above this state, display cards and posters on common carriers or any
other means of public conveyance incorporated or operated primarily in this
state, brochures, catalogs, circulars, coupons, pamphlets, samples, and similar
advertising material mailed to, or distributed within this state to residents
of this state;
c. Computer assisted
shopping networks; and
Television, radio or any other electronic media, which is intended to be
broadcast to consumers located in this state.