Rhode Island Code of Regulations
Title 280 - Department of Revenue
Chapter 20 - Division of Taxation
Subchapter 25 - Business Corporation Tax
Part 8 - Nexus (280-RICR-20-25-8)
Section 280-RICR-20-25-8.6 - Nexus - Generally
Current through December 26, 2024
A. Establishing nexus generally means that a business has sufficient connection or presence in Rhode Island for the State to have taxing authority. A foreign corporation is subject to Rhode Island corporate income tax if it conducts business activity in Rhode Island and has income properly apportionable to Rhode Island pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-11-14, et seq., regardless of whether it is authorized to do business in Rhode Island. The State Tax Administrator construes Rhode Island law to assert the tax jurisdiction of Rhode Island to the fullest extent permitted by the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States. Some type of physical or economic presence is necessary to establish nexus with the State. The United States Constitution places limitations on a state's jurisdiction to tax. These constitutional limitations derive from two clauses in the United States Constitution: the Due Process Clause, in Amend. XIV, Section 1; and the Commerce Clause, in Art. 1, Section 8, cl. 3. The nexus requirement of both clauses must be satisfied before an out-of-state business may be subject to the taxing jurisdiction of a state.
B. Federal statutory law places additional limits on a state's ability to tax interstate commerce. Section 101 of Public Law 86-272, codified at 15 U.S.C. §§ 381 - 384, prohibits a state from taxing the income of a foreign corporation whose only business activities within the state consist of "solicitation of orders" for tangible personal property, provided that the orders are sent outside the state for approval or rejection and the tangible personal property is shipped or delivered from out of state. The leasing, renting, licensing or other disposition of tangible personal property, or transactions involving intangibles, such as franchises, patents, copyrights, trademarks, service marks and the like, are not protected under the act. Also, solicitation, sale, or performance of any type of services is not protected under the act unless entirely ancillary to facilitate the request for an order for the sale of tangible personal property. Corporations incorporated within Rhode Island have physical presence in Rhode Island. For more detailed guidance regarding interpretation of 15 U.S.C. §§ 381 - 384 ( Public Law 86-272), including what activities constitute solicitation, what activities constitute activities ancillary to solicitation, what activities are protected, and what activities are unprotected, refer to § 8.9 of this Part.