Rhode Island Code of Regulations
Title 280 - Department of Revenue
Chapter 20 - Division of Taxation
Part 5 - Rules and Regulations for the Certification of Motion Picture Production Tax Credits (280-RICR-20-20-5)
Section 280-RICR-20-20-5.5 - Definitions
Current through September 18, 2024
A. "Above-the-line person" means a motion picture director, writer, producer or featured actor. Motion picture directors, writers, producers, featured actors and their fees are grouped within the "pre-production," "production" and/or "post-production section of a typical motion picture budget, above a solid, bold line, separating these few "above-the-line" persons from the majority of the "below-the-line" crew, other production and post-production expenses.
B. "Accountant's certification" means a certified audit by a Rhode Island certified public accountant licensed in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws § 5-3.1-5.
C. "Act" means R.I. Gen. Laws Chapter 44-31.2, as amended.
D. "Alternative distribution method" for the purposes of the production tax credit means an executed agreement among all participants of a pass-through entity, or among all owners of a motion picture having multiple owners, setting forth the method for allocation of the motion picture production tax credit agreed upon by and among the participants or co-owners. An alternative distribution method may include, without limitation, a partnership agreement, an operating agreement of a limited liability company, a shareholders agreement, or any other instrument executed by all participants or co-owners.
E. "Amended production" means one additional separate and distinct application that is allowable for the same production for purposes such as "re-shoots", "retakes", added scenes or any additional production expenditures incurred and paid within the State of Rhode Island (but not previously included in the cost report) provided that the motion picture has already met the conditions required for, and has already been approved for final certification by the film office and the Division of Taxation. The amended application must individually meet the statutory requirements for a state certified production including, but not limited to, a total production budget of a minimum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). The additional production expenditures shall be included in a separate cost report, require a separate accountant's certification, and be subject to a separate review by the Division of Taxation.
F. "Applicant" means a motion picture production company domiciled in Rhode Island, which is a corporation, partnership, limited partnership, or other entity or individual, submitting an application to the film office and the Division of Taxation for initial or final certification of a production.
G. "Application year" means within the calendar year the motion picture production company files any application for the tax credit.
H. "Certificate of motion picture production tax credit" means a certificate issued by the Division of Taxation, which states the amount of the motion picture production tax credit for which the production has qualified. A motion picture production company is prohibited from using State funds, State loans or State guaranteed loans to qualify for the motion picture tax credit. The certificate shall include, but not be limited to, the following information: specific and unique certificate number, name and address of the approved applicant, name of the state certified production, name of the qualified film to which the credit applies, date on which production completed, date of final certification by the Division of Taxation, the name and taxpayer identification number of production company that incurred and paid state certified Rhode Island production expenditures, total amount of state certified Rhode Island production expenditures, name of initial holder of this certificate, taxpayer identification number of initial holder of this certificate, and amount of credit allocated to initial holder of this Certificate.
I. "Completion of a production" means the date of completion of a motion picture's production in the State of Rhode Island as certified to the film office and the Division of Taxation as part of the production's cost report.
J. "Costs"
K. "Costs incurred within the state" means, in the case of tangible property, which is acquired from or through a qualified vendor will constitute a cost incurred within the State of Rhode Island where goods and materials are actually and physically provided, supplied, consumed or used within Rhode Island and, in the case of services, shall mean services performed within the State of Rhode Island.
L. "Division of Taxation" means that office within the Department of Revenue that operates under the authority and direction of the tax administrator, pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-1-1 et seq.
M. "Documentary production" means a non-fiction production intended for educational or commercial distribution that may require out of state principal photography.
N. "Domiciled in Rhode Island" means a corporation incorporated in Rhode Island or a partnership, limited liability company, or other business entity formed under the laws of the State of Rhode Island for the purpose of producing motion pictures, or an individual who is a domiciled resident of Rhode Island as defined in the R.I. Gen. Laws § 44-30-5. Such individual, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or other entity, is subject to the General Laws of the State of Rhode Island including, but not limited to, R.I. Gen. Laws Chapters 44-11 and 44-30.
O. "Feature-length film" means a production intended for commercial distribution to a motion picture theater or directly to the home video market that has a running time of at least seventy-five (75) minutes in length.
P. "Film office" means an office within the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts that has been established in order to promote and encourage the locating of film and television productions within the State of Rhode Island. The office is also referred to within as the "Rhode Island film and television office."
Q. "Film office director" means the Director of the Rhode Island Film and Television Office.
R. "Final production budget" means and includes the total pre-production, production and post-production out of pocket costs incurred and paid in connection with the making of the motion picture. The final production budget excludes costs associated with the promotion or marketing of the motion picture.
S. "Inspection" means a visit by an authorized representative of the film office and/or the Division of Taxation to a property, including a set, a soundstage, a location or a production office for services performed in Rhode Island.
T. "Loan-out company" means and includes a corporation, partnership, limited liability company, S-corporation, association, nominee trust, or any other entity through which an artist or other person is loaned out to perform services for the motion picture production company. Regardless of structure, employees or other persons of such loan-out companies and the loan out company itself shall be subject to all applicable provisions of the Rhode Island personal income tax and any applicable payroll or other tax provisions. A loan-out company shall be registered with the Rhode Island Secretary of State and the Rhode Island Division of Taxation.
U. "Motion picture" means feature-length film, documentary production, video, television series, or commercial made in Rhode Island, in whole or in part, for theatrical or television viewing or as a television pilot or for educational distribution. Motion picture shall not include the production of television coverage of news or athletic events, nor shall it apply to any film, video, television series or commercial or production for which records are required under 18 U.S.C. § 2257, to be maintained with respect to any performer in such production or reporting of books, films, etc. with respect to sexually explicit conduct.
V. "Motion picture production company" means
W. "Participant" means a partner in a partnership, member of a limited liability company, shareholder of an S-corporation, a beneficial owner of a trust, or any other person having an interest in a pass-through entity.
X. "Pass-through entity" means a partnership, limited liability company, S-corporation, association, nominee trust, or any other entity, the tax attributes of which are passed through to the participants in such entity.
Y. "Post-production" means the final stage in a state certified motion picture's production after principal and ongoing photography is completed, including, but not limited to, editing, Foley recording, automatic dialogue replacement, sound editing, special effects, scoring and music editing, beginning and end credits, negative cutting, soundtrack production, the addition of sound/visual effects, dubbing, and subtitling. Advertising and marketing activities and expenses are not included in post-production.
Z. "Pre-production" means costs directly related to the production, which are incurred prior to the first day of principal photography for a state certified motion picture. For example, the establishment of a dedicated production office, the hiring of key crew members such as a unit production manager, line producer and location manager, and includes, but is not limited to, activities such as location scouting, hiring of crew, and execution of contracts with vendors of equipment and stage space.
AA. "Primary locations" means the locations within which
BB. "Principal photography and/or animation" means the filming and/or animation of major and significant portions of a state certified production that involves the lead actors and/or animators.
CC. "Qualified vendor" means any individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company or other business entity that
DD. "Rhode Island film and television office" means an office within the Rhode Island Council on the Arts that has been established in order to promote and encourage the locating of film and television productions within the State of Rhode Island. The office is also referred to within as the "film office."
EE. "State certified production" means a motion picture production approved by the Rhode Island film and television office and produced by a motion picture production company domiciled in Rhode Island, whether or not such company owns or controls the copyright and distribution rights in the motion picture; provided that such company has either:
FF. "State certified production costs" means any pre-production, production, and post-production cost directly attributable to activity within this state that a motion picture company incurs and pays to the extent that it occurs within the State of Rhode Island. The term refers to a production certified by the State of Rhode Island under the Act and should not be taken to infer that the State of Rhode Island is certifying the production costs. State certified production costs do not include costs paid for using State funds, State loans or State guaranteed loans to qualify for the motion picture tax credit.
GG. "Television pilot" means the initial episode produced for a proposed episodic television series. This category will include shorter formats which are known as "television presentation", a production of at least fifteen (15) minutes in length, produced for the purposes of selling a proposed television series, but not intended for broadcast.
HH. "Television series" which may also be known as "episodic television series" means a regularly occurring production, live action, animation or a combination of the two, intended in its initial run for broadcast on television, whether free or via subscription-based service, that has a running time of at least thirty (30) minutes in length (inclusive of commercial advertisement and interstitial programming).
II. "Total production budget" means and includes the motion picture production company's pre-production, production and post-production costs incurred for the production activities of the production company in Rhode Island in connection with the making of the state certified production. The budget shall not include costs associated with the promotion or marketing of the film, video, or television product; costs not incurred within Rhode Island; costs not paid; or costs provided by nonqualified vendors.