Rhode Island Code of Regulations
Title 216 - Department of health
Chapter 60 - Laboratories and Medical Examiner
Subchapter 05 - State Laboratory
Part 6 - Licensing Analytical Laboratories for Sampling and Testing Cannabis
Section 216-RICR-60-05-6.18 - Sample Collection Procedures
Current through September 18, 2024
A. The analytical laboratory sample collector must create a new entry for each sampling event in a sample collection logbook or prepare sample collection forms for documentation of sample collection. Sample collection documentation must identify the sample collection date and start time, participating personnel, a general description of the product type and batch number sampled, a description of the sampling procedures used, and a record of batches that would potentially be impacted should analysis results indicate unacceptable contamination levels.
B. Samples of Industrial Hemp flower must be collected according to procedures of the USDA's Establishment of a Domestic Hemp Production Program 7 C.F.R. Part 990 Subpart B - State and Tribal Hemp Production Plans, incorporated in § 6.3(C) of this Part.
C. The analytical laboratory sample collector must identify or determine the tracking number of each finished production batch sampled and the number and amount of samples to be collected for each.
D. The analytical laboratory sample collector must record the number of samples taken from each cultivation and/or production batch must be recorded in the sample collection logbook or forms.
E. The analytical laboratory sample collector must record the sample cultivation and production batch identifiers (ID) for each sample. The batch IDs will be included on sample labels. In addition to the batch ID, the analytical laboratory sample collector must create a unique sample ID for each sample. Sample identifiers must be unique for a given sample event. Record the batch and sample IDs in the sample collection logbook.
F. The analytical laboratory sample collector must prepare sample labels and affix them to sample containers immediately before sampling. The sample label must include the analytical laboratory's license number, state tracking number of the sample batch, producer's sample identification, date/time of collection and by whom. The analytical laboratory license number, sample collector's name, product type, collection method, and other details about the product, such as cannabis infused product type or production method must be recorded in the Chain-of Custody (COC) if not included on the sample label.
G. The analytical laboratory sample collector must wear disposable gloves, and not wear perfumes or creams to mitigate potential for contamination of samples.
H. Any tools that contact the samples must be made of stainless steel or other inert material to avoid potential contamination of the sample. Appropriate sample collection containers must be made of suitable materials.
I. The analytical laboratory sample collector must ensure that the sampling area is clean and decontaminated and lay out any tools and equipment needed.
J. The analytical laboratory sample collector must collect the samples from each cultivation or production batch one at a time following the approved sampling plan as described in §§ 6.11(D) and 6.17(K) of this Part.
K. The analytical laboratory sample collector must collect the sample using an appropriate tool. Do not touch the sample with your hands or allow the sample to touch anything that might cause cross contamination.
L. The analytical laboratory sample collector must record the time each sample was collected and record any difficulties, inconsistencies with the sampling plan, or other remarks (e.g., environmental conditions) that might be relevant to data analysis or quality assurance.
M. The analytical laboratory sample collector must clean any tools or equipment that come in contact with the finished plant material or other cannabis products before collecting the next sample to avoid cross contamination of samples.
N. The analytical laboratory sample collector must place all samples in clean, sealed sample collection containers that are large enough to hold the prescribed sample quantity with minimal headspace to preserve the chemical and biological composition. Sample containers must be firmly closed and appropriately labeled.
O. The analytical laboratory sample collector must maintain all samples on ice prior to and during transport to the analytical laboratory in a clean locked carrier.
P. The analytical laboratory sample collector must ensure that cannabis samples are secured and safe during transport. Transport vehicles must have a locked storage compartment within which the cannabis sample is secured. The sample collector must not stop for gasoline in-route between where the samples are collected and the analytical laboratory where the samples will be analyzed.
Q. The analytical laboratory sample collectors must have their testing agent registration cards for the licensed cultivator/compassion center in their possession while collecting and transporting samples.
R. The analytical laboratory sample collector must collect duplicate samples to provide verification of sampling and laboratory procedures. Specifically, a duplicate must be at least collected for five percent (5%) (one (1) per twenty (20)) of the samples collected for each cannabis product type. Duplicate samples are used to evaluate any variance in the sampling procedures. To ensure authenticity, QC samples must be taken on the same day, be derived from the same batch, and documented on the test results tracking sheet.
S. The analytical laboratory sample collector must complete the COC paperwork immediately prior to transporting the sample to the analytical laboratory. The sampler must record all sampling related information on the COC including: