Current through December 26, 2024
Orientation and Pre-service Training
1. An
applicant interested in becoming a child care provider must attend a DCYF
Family Child Care orientation. During the orientation, the licensing
application packet is given to the applicant.
2. Applicant must complete an approved Family
Child Care training program prior to submitting application to DCYF.
B. Application Packet
1. The completed licensing application packet
must be submitted to the DCYF Child Care Licensing Unit to initiate the
Licensing process. An incomplete packet will be returned to the applicant.
a. Packet includes information for provider,
assistants and emergency assistants.
b. Provider is responsible to ensure that
assistants and emergency assistants complete information.
2. The following documents are included in
the application packet:
a. Medical references
signed by a licensed physician for the applicant and any proposed assistants,
including emergency assistants, stating that the individual has had a medical
examination within the past six months, is in good health and is able to care
for children and is free from tuberculosis based on a negative (<10 mm
induration) Mantoux (PPD) tuberculin skin test.
b. Notarized Criminal History Affidavits
(Form #109) completed by the applicant and any proposed assistants, including
emergency assistants, and evidence that they have been fingerprinted in
accordance with Department Operating Procedure 100.0215: Criminal Records
c. Notarized Employment
History Affidavits (Form #108) completed by the applicant and any proposed
assistants, including emergency assistants, in accordance with Department
Operating Procedure 100.0210: Employment Background Checks Facility
Operators/Facility Employees.
3. Every application for DCYF licensure to
operate a group family child care home shall be accompanied by a fee,
established in R.I. Gen. Laws §
payable to the Rhode Island General Treasurer.
C. Criminal Records Checks
1. The applicant and any proposed assistants,
including emergency assistants, shall undergo statewide and nationwide criminal
records checks, including fingerprinting. All members of the applicant's
household must undergo a statewide criminal records check through the Attorney
General's Bureau of Criminal Identification.
2. Criminal records checks are completed in
accordance with Department Operating Procedure 100.0215: Criminal Records
a. This Policy includes a listing of
criminal offenses that automatically disqualify an individual from seeking
employment in a child care facility if that individual has been arrested and
convicted or arrested pending disposition for one of the listed
b. Additionally, criminal
history of any offense will be reviewed and based upon such review, an
applicant with a conviction of an offense that is not automatically
disqualifying may be denied licensure if it is determined by the Child Care
Licensing Supervisor that the conduct of the applicant impacts upon the fitness
and suitability of the applicant to provide child care.
3. Results of all required criminal records
checks must be received prior to licensure for operator and household members
and prior to employment for assistants and emergency assistants.
D. DCYF Records Checks
1. The applicant, members of the applicant's
household and any proposed child care assistants, including emergency
assistants, must undergo a DCYF records check in accordance with Department
Operating Procedure 100.0155: Clearance of Agency Activity.
a. Department Operating Procedure 100.0155
includes a listing of indicated allegations of child abuse and/or neglect that
automatically disqualify a person from operating or seeking employment in a
child care facility.
Additionally, all agency involvement will be reviewed and based upon such
review, an applicant with a history of DCYF involvement that is not
automatically disqualifying may be denied licensure if it is determined by the
Child Care Licensing Supervisor that the conduct of the applicant impacts upon
the fitness and suitability of the applicant to provide child care.
2. Results of all DCYF records
checks must be received prior to licensure for operator and household members
and prior to employment for assistants and emergency assistants.
E. Fire, Health and Building
Inspections - The applicant's home where the child care will be provided shall
be approved by the State Fire Marshal as being in compliance with the
applicable section of the State Fire Code, by the Health Department as being in
compliance with applicable health and safety standards and by the local
Building Inspector as being in compliance with the State Building
F. Zoning - The applicant
shall demonstrate that the applicant is in compliance with local zoning
ordinances or has obtained a variance from such ordinances.
G. Licensing Inspection - Prior to the
issuance of a license, an inspection visit will be made by DCYF Child Care
Licensing Unit staff to the applicant's home where the child care will be
provided in order to determine compliance with these regulations.
Upon successful completion of the above-stated licensing
requirements, the applicant shall be issued within 120 days a Provisional
License, which shall be valid for six months. Prior to the expiration of this
license, the operation of the program will be evaluated by the Child Care
Licensing Unit.
A. Prior to the
expiration of the Provisional License, the Department will review the operation
of the program.
B. If there are
areas of noncompliance, the Department may require the program to cease
operation or may issue a Probationary License which is valid for a limited
period of time, during which period the program must come into full compliance
with these regulations. A Probationary License shall not be issued when the
area of noncompliance constitutes a danger to the health and/or safety of the
children in care.
C. If the program
is determined to be operating in full compliance with licensing regulations, a
full license, which will be valid for a period of one year, will be
D. A license is issued to a
designated Provider at that individual's home address and is not transferable.
1. Provider shall notify the Department at
least thirty (30) days prior to any change of address.
2. Provider shall notify the Department
immediately of any change in telephone number.
E. The license entitles the Director of the
Department of Children, Youth and Families or designee and the Child Advocate
or designee to be given the right of entrance, the privilege to inspect and
access to all records in order to ascertain compliance with regulations and to
investigate complaints.
A. The DCYF Director or designee may grant a
variance with respect to one of the following situations upon the submission of
a written request setting forth the circumstances requiring the variance and
demonstrating good cause for the variance to be granted.
1. The child of a provider under the age of
six (6) years who would otherwise be counted as part of the maximum capacity
for children in the home during the time that child care is provided may not be
counted as part of the maximum capacity if the provider presents evidence that
the child is engaged in a pre-school program and/or child care arrangement
during the hours that child care is provided in the home.
2. The child care provider who would
otherwise be allowed to be out of the child care home for no more than 20% of
the time may be allowed to be away from the home in excess of 20% of the time
for a period of two weeks or less upon the presentation of evidence of illness,
training or vacation.
3. Any other
request for variance that does not jeopardize the health, safety and well-being
of the children in care will be reviewed on a case by case basis and may be
granted upon a finding of good cause.
B. An approved variance will contain a
specified time frame and be subject to periodic review.
A. Any complaint, which
alleges a violation of these regulations, will be referred to the DCYF
Licensing Division for review, follow-up and corrective action, if deemed
1. When a group family child care
home is found to be in violation of these Regulations, the DCYF Licensing
Administrator or designee sends written notice of the violation(s) to the
provider. The Notice establishes a deadline for correcting the
2. If the Group Family
Child Care Home remains in violation at the end of the designated time frame,
the Licensing Administrator or designee initiates action to suspend, revoke or
continue the license on Probationary Status.
B. Any complaint, which alleges that a child
has been abused and/or neglected in a group family child care home, will be
referred to Child Protective Services for review and/or
A. A license may be denied or revoked for the
following reasons:
1. Provider, assistant,
emergency assistant or adult member of the provider's household has been
convicted of, or is serving an active probationary sentence for a criminal
offense, in accordance with §7.2.1(C)
of this Part above.
2. Provider,
assistant, emergency assistant or other permanent member of the provider's
household has a history of DCYF involvement, in accordance with §7.2.1(D)
of this Part above.
3. Children in
the custodial care of the provider, assistant or emergency assistant have been
adjudicated dependent, neglected, abused, wayward, or delinquent.
4. Provider, assistant or emergency assistant
has a documented history of chemical or alcohol abuse within the past seven
5. Provider, assistant or
emergency assistant fails to comply with duly promulgated group child care home
6. Provider, assistant
or emergency assistant has failed to comply with duly promulgated rules or
engaged in fraudulent or other unlawful acts while acting as an agent of, or
participating in, any other state or federally funded program.
B. If the DCYF Director or
designee finds that the public health, safety or welfare requires emergency
action and the Department incorporates such findings in an order, the
Department may order summary suspension of the license or curtailment of
activities as enumerated above, pending proceedings for revocation or other
action in accordance with R.I. Gen. Laws §
A. Any applicant for
licensure or license holder may appeal any action or decision of a Departmental
staff person, supervisor or administrator that is adverse to the person's
status as an applicant or license holder.
B. All administrative appeals/hearings
relating to licensing actions or decisions shall be held in accordance with
Department Operating Procedure 100.0040, Complaints and Hearings.
A. A foster care provider will be permitted
to apply for a Group Family Child Care Home License if the following criteria
are met:
1. Applicant has held a Foster Care
License for a minimum of one (1) year and is in good standing with no
violations of licensing regulations.
2. Applicant must be able to demonstrate
ability to comply with Group Family Child Care Home and Foster Care Licensing
Regulations (Part 3 of this Subchapter).
B. The decision to issue a Group Family Child
Care Home License will be made by the Licensing Administrator.
C. The following stipulations will apply when
a Group Family Child Care Home License is issued to a licensed foster care
1. Foster Care License will be
limited with regard to the numbers and ages of foster children
2. Foster children will be
counted in determining the total number of child care children allowed in the
3. Child care payment will
not be made for foster/kinship children in the group child care home or in any
other child care facility.
A. DCYF Child Care Licensing Unit provides
renewal application packet to Group Family Child Care Home Provider six (6)
months prior to the expiration of the current license.
1. Packet includes renewal information for
provider, assistants and emergency assistants.
2. Provider is responsible to ensure that
assistants and emergency assistants complete renewal information.
B. Group Family Child Care Home
Provider is required to do the following for renewal of license:
1. Submit the completed renewal application
and application fee to the Licensing Unit at least four (4) months prior to the
license expiration.
a. This allows sufficient
time to complete the process.
b. If
the renewal process is not completed by the expiration of the license, the
Child Care Licensing Unit will terminate the renewal process and the Group
Family Child Care Home will no longer be licensed to provide child
2. Show evidence
of current certification in CPR/First Aid training.
3. Show evidence of liability insurance
coverage for the child care program.
4. Ensure that medical reference has been
5. Provide documentation
that required training has been completed (refer to §7.3.2(A)
of this Part below).
6. Provide
documentation that the home has been tested for radon and found safe.
7. Provide documentation that the home
complies with recommendations developed pursuant to R.I. Gen. Laws §
23-24.6-14 (Lead Poisoning Prevention Act) and regulations developed in accordance with
this statute.
8. Provide results of
fire inspection.
9. Undergo a
statewide criminal records check.
10. Undergo a DCYF agency
11. Undergo a License
Renewal Inspection - Prior to the renewal of license, DCYF Child Care Licensing
staff will make an inspection visit to the applicant's home where the child
care will be provided in order to determine compliance with these
Assistant is required to do the following at the time of license renewal:
1. Submit the following renewal information
to Provider:
a. Medical reference
b. Evidence of current certification in
CPR/first aid training
Documentation that required training has been completed (refer to §7.3.2(B)
of this Part below).
Undergo a statewide criminal records check.
3. Undergo a DCYF agency clearance.
D. Emergency Assistant is required
to do the following at the time of license renewal:
1. Submit renewal information and medical
reference to provider.
2. Undergo a
statewide criminal records check.
3. Undergo a DCYF agency clearance.