A. Tier 1- Operational Approval: Any person
desiring to operate a private early childhood education program serving
children between the ages of three (3) and six (6) years of age or a
kindergarten program in a private school in which kindergarten is the terminal
grade must first submit an application for Tier 1 approval to the Rhode Island
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education ("RIDE").. Tier 1 approval is
granted to programs or schools.
1. To be
eligible for Tier 1 approval, applicants at the time of application must be
licensed by the Rhode Island Department of Children Youth and Families ("DCYF")
as a child care center.
2. All
applicants licensed by DCYF shall receive Tier 1 approval for a period of one
year or until the date of expiration of the DCYF license, whichever is earlier
B. Tier 2 -
Comprehensive Approval: Any operator of an early childhood education program
meeting the quality standards set forth in this Part for a comprehensive and
developmentally appropriate early childhood education program may apply for
Tier 2 approval at the classroom level
1. At
the time of application for Tier 2 approval, the classroom for which Tier 2
approval is sought must meet the requirements of the following regulations, as
applicable, and/or hold one of the following approvals:
a. A private early childhood education
program granted Tier 1 Operational Approval under this Part;
b. An early childhood education program which
is part of a public school or public school district meeting the requirements
of the Basic Education Program Regulations (Part 1 of this Subchapter) and/or
Special Education Regulations;
An early childhood education program which is part of a private school (PK-12)
approved under the Regulations for Approval of Non-Public Schools in Rhode
Island (Subchapter 20 Part 5 of this Chapter); OR
d. An early childhood education program which
is part of a special education school approved under the Rhode Island
Regulations Governing the Education of Children with Disabilities (Subchapter
30 Part 6 of this Chapter).
2. Additionally, the applicant must provide
evidence that it has already or will submit an application to the state's
Quality Rating and Improvement System within one year of submitting the
application for Tier 2 approval.
Application to RIDE for Tier 2 approval represents the program's desire to seek
voluntary approval and designation as a "Comprehensive Early Childhood
Education Program" in the state of Rhode Island.
4. When a program is subject to a
governmental rule or regulation that exceeds the standard outlined herein for
Tier 2 approval, that rule or regulation takes precedence. When a governmental
rule or regulation differs or sets a lower threshold of performance, the
standard for Tier 2 approval takes precedence.
5. To be eligible for Tier 2 approval, the
classroom must operate for a minimum of thirty (30) hours each week of the
school year and comply with the following:
Sessions of six (6) hours or less in duration per day must comply with these
standards one hundred percent (100%) of the time that they are in
b. Sessions of more than
six (6) hours in duration per day must comply with these standards at least six
(6) hours within their daily hours of operation.
6. To be eligible for approval as a Tier 2
classroom, the classroom must meet Structural Standards for Schools and
Agencies and Early Learning Teaching and Learning Standards set forth in
6.5 and
6.6 of this Part as
determined through CECE Approval Process including state monitoring and valid
and reliable assessments of classroom quality.