Pennsylvania Code
Part II - Public Assistance Manual
Subpart K - Blind Persons
Section 451.4 - Procedures

Universal Citation: 55 PA Code ยง 451.4

Current through Register Vol. 54, No. 52, December 28, 2024

(a) Computing income. Computation of income will be made in accordance with the following procedures:

(1) Earned income. Earned income will be computed as follows:
(i) Income which a blind person receives from operating a business or farm, or practicing a profession, or as an employe will be designated earned income. The amount of earned income available to the blind person will be determined by deducting expenses necessary to obtain the income. Personal expenses such as income taxes, social security taxes, occupational taxes will not be deducted. Allowable expenses from the different types of earned income are as follows:
(A) From gross wages, commissions and bonuses the following shall be deducted:
(I) Employment expenses necessary to the type of job, and not paid by the employer, for example, the cost of tools, materials, special uniforms or telephone.

(II) Actual cost of transportation to and from employment.

(III) Actual cost of guide service or maintenance of a dog guide necessary to the employment.

(B) From gross income from operating a business or farm, or practicing a profession, the actual expenses necessary to produce, protect and continue the income shall be deducted.

(C) From gross income received from renting rooms or apartments or furnishing meals, where the blind person is responsible for providing service in addition to the use of space and equipment, the following shall be deducted: $10 per month for a tenant or tenant group; $20 per month for a boarder; $30 per month for a separate tenant-border, persons not included above; $30 per month for the first person and $20 per month for an additional person in a tenant-boarder group, persons not included above; and 50% of the remainder.

(ii) As used in this subsection, the terms tenant and tenant-boarder mean a lone person whose rent or rent and board arrangements with the client are independent of other persons; the terms tenant group and tenant-boarder group mean a group of two or more persons who are living together as a family normally would and who have a joint rent, or rent and board, arrangement with the client. A husband and wife, or parents and their children, are always included in a tenant group or tenant-boarder group; other persons whose plan is to rent living accommodations as a group rather than as individuals also are considered to be a tenant group or tenant-boarder group.

(iii) If income is derived from renting space or equipment only, the income will not be considered to be earned income and the deductions in paragraph (2) will apply.

(2) Other income. From other income, the expenses necessary to get or to assure the continued receipt of the income shall be deducted.
(i) The amount of monthly OASDI for purposes of SBP eligibility will be determined as follows:
(A) Determine the monthly amount of OASDI as the monthly benefit received on 1/1/71 or the monthly benefit awarded after 1/1/71, then

(B) Disregard the first $4 from the monthly benefit.

(C) Disregard future increases.

(ii) The amount of monthly railroad retirement and veterans' benefits for purposes of SBP will be determined as follows:
(A) Determine the monthly amount of railroad retirement and veterans' benefits as the monthly benefit received on January 1, 1976 or the monthly benefit awarded after January 1, 1976, then

(B) Disregard any future increases.

(b) Amount of monthly SBP payment - exclusive of NHC payment. Procedures for determination of monthly SBP payment are as follows:

(1) A blind person's income and total SBP payments may not exceed $4,260 during a 12-month period; therefore, the amount of the monthly payment is based on annual net income. Reference should be made to § 451.5(a) (relating to adjustments for fiscal year ending before July 1981). The 12-month period is termed fiscal year and consists of 12-consecutive monthly payment periods. A monthly payment period will be the fiscal month for persons receiving regular SBP payment. An SBP recipient's fiscal year will begin on the first day of the first full monthly payment period and ends on the day before the thirteenth monthly payment period begins. The beginning and ending dates of a fiscal year will not change if SBP is discontinued and resumed during one fiscal year, except that if SBP is discontinued because of the authorization of nursing home care payment, the date SBP is again authorized will start a new fiscal year.

(2) The monthly SBP payment will be $100 if the blind person's annual net income is expected to be $3,060 or less.

(3) If the annual net income is expected to be more than $3,060, the monthly SBP payment will be figured this way: subtract the annual net income from $4,260, divide the remainder by 12. The result is the monthly payment, unless it is less than 95¢, in which case no SBP payment is made. Reference should be made to § 451.5 (a).

(4) If, during the fiscal year, the amount of income changes from what had been expected, or the SBP payment is discontinued and resumed in the same fiscal year, the monthly SBP payment for the rest of the fiscal year will be figured as follows: add the net income already received during the fiscal year to the amount of net income that will probably be received during the rest of the fiscal year. If the total is not more than $3,060, the monthly SBP payment will be $100. If the total is more than $3,060, the monthly payment will be figured this way: add the total annual net income and the SBP payments already made in the fiscal year, but do not include any NHC payments; subtract this total from $4,260, divide the remainder by the number of months remaining in the fiscal year. The result is the monthly payment, unless it is less than 95¢, in which case no SBP payment is made. Reference should be made to § 451.5 (a).

(c) Amount of SBP monthly NHC payment. The amount of SBP monthly NHC payment will be determined as follows:

(1) The monthly payment when the blind person is in a nursing home will be the excess of the maximum amount paid for nursing home care for recipients of assistance under the Public Welfare Code in like circumstances; over the amount of the blind person's actual income, but shall in no case be less than the amount determined in accordance with subsection (b).

(2) In determining the amount of the monthly NHC payment for a blind person requesting SBP-NHC of more than $100 monthly, the actual income will also include payments made on behalf of a blind person to meet any or all of the cost of the nursing home care the blind person is receiving. NHC payment will not be made for care covered under Medicare. However, payments made under Medicare will not be considered as income in determining the SBP monthly payment of $100.

(d) Use of the Form PA 21-BI, computation sheet. Form PA 21-BI will be used as follows:

(1) The Form PA 21-BI will be used to determine whether or not the total income and pension of an SBP recipient in a given fiscal year are within the legal limits of $4,260 yearly set by law. Reference should be made to § 451.5.

(2) The form will be prepared for all SBP recipients who have income, except for those receiving SBP nursing home care, BN. The $4,260 limit on annual income and pension will not apply to BN recipients and a fiscal year computation of income and BN payments, therefore, will have no significance. Reference should be made to § 451.5. Overpayments and underpayments for BN recipients will be determined on a monthly basis.

(3) Form PA 21-BI Part I will be used to record the following for each payment in the fiscal year:
(i) The anticipated amount of monthly income used to determine the SBP payment.

(ii) The actual monthly income subsequently found to be available for the same payment period.

(4) Column 1-Payment Date-The beginning date for the first monthly payment period in the fiscal year will be entered on the first line. The dates subsequent payment periods begin will be entered on the following lines. If SBP is discontinued during the fiscal year, the effective date of the discontinuance and "Disc" will be entered.

(5) Column 2-Source-The source of the income used to determine the amount of the SBP payment will be entered. A separate line will be used for a source.

(6) Column 3-Anticipated Income-Should not be completed if determination of payment was made solely on actual income.
(i) Block A. Gross Amount Expected-The amount expected to be received from a source during the payment period, will be entered including any FSBP payment received.

(ii) Block B. Deductions, Kind, Amount-The kinds of expenses necessary to secure the income and the amount will be entered.

(iii) Block C. Net Income Detail-The anticipated net income from a source will be entered. If there is only one source, this space should be left blank.

(iv) Block D. Net Income Total-The anticipated total net income from sources will be entered.

(7) Column 4-SBP Payment-Opposite the entry described in paragraph (6)(iv) the amount of an SBP payment or the payment which would be made if an overpayment were not being satisfied will be entered. "O" will be entered for each payment period an SBP payment was not made for reasons other than satisfying an overpayment.

(8) Column 5 will be completed as follows:
(i) Block A. Gross Amount Actual-The actual gross income received will be entered.

(ii) Block B. Deductions, Kind, Amount-The kinds of expenses necessary to secure the income, and the amount will be entered.

(iii) Block C. Net Income Detail-The actual net income from each source will be entered. If there is only one source, this space should be left blank.

(iv) Block D. Net Income Total-The actual total net income from all sources will be entered.

(9) Form PA 21-BI, Part B is used to compute for each fiscal year the total income and SBP received in a fiscal year to determine whether or not the SBP recipient was overpaid or underpaid during the year. Part B is completed:
(i) At the end of the recipient's fiscal year.

(ii) When SBP payments are discontinued during the fiscal year.

(iii) When an SBP nursing home care payment is authorized for a person who has been receiving SBP.

(e) Use of the Form PA 21-B, authorization sheet. Form PA 21-B will be used as follows:

(1) Form PA 21-B (Authorization Sheet), will be used to authorize payment.

(2) A separate Form PA 21-B will be prepared in ink or indelible pencil for each person eligible for SBP.

(3) Form PA 21-B will be completed as follows:
(i) Record No.-Name-Enter the record number and name of the blind person.

(ii) Date-Enter the date of authorization.

(iii) Category Symbol-Enter "B".

(iv) BP Payment-Enter the amount of the SBP payment.

(v) Amount Withheld-Enter the monthly amount to be withheld because of an overpayment for the previous fiscal year.

(vi) Cash Grant-Enter the difference between the SBP payment and the amount withheld. Adjust the figure to the nearest 10 cents. That is, amounts ending in .01 to .04 are adjusted downward; in .05 to .09, upward.

(vii) Effective Date-Enter the date as defined in § 225.22 (relating to definitions).

(viii) Statistical Code-Enter the appropriate Statistical Code.

(ix) Financial Code-This item was deleted on the 9/56 revision of the form. On all prior revisions, make no entries in this space. Reference should be made to "Financial" as set forth in subparagraph (xiv).

(x) Ref. No. PA 21-Enter the same column code numbers that are used on the Form PA 21 to indicate a change in information.

(xi) Authorized By-The person authorizing the payment enters his initials.

(xii) Checked By Date-The person who checks the authorization enters his initials and the date the authorization is checked.

(xiii) 122 Typed By Date-Authorization typist enters his initials and date the Form PA 122 is typed.

(xiv) Financial-Enter the column number of the authorization and the Financial Code and the explanation.

(f) Nursing home care eligibility procedures. Procedures for determination of nursing home care eligibility are as follows:

(1) Date eligibility begins. Eligibility for nursing home care will begin either the date that forms are completed and the person is found eligible for nursing home care or the date the person enters the nursing home, whichever is later. No payment may be authorized earlier than the following appropriate date:
(i) Two calendar months before the date of certification of the first Form PA 122-N authorizing nursing home care payments, if the patient was receiving SBP at the time of certification, but no earlier than the date the SBP grant was authorized.

(ii) The first day of the month on which the first Form PA 122-N authorizing nursing home care is certified if the nursing home care payment is an initial grant.

(2) Forms used to determine medical eligibility for nursing home care. The following forms will be used to determine medical eligibility for nursing home care:
(i) For First 60 Days of Nursing Home Care, Medical Assistance Physician's Prescription, Form PA 4-M.
(A) Medical eligibility for up to 60 days of nursing home care may be established by means of a Physician's Prescription, Form PA 4-M.

(B) If a longer period of care is required, medical eligibility for continued nursing home care is determined in accordance with subparagraphs (ii) and (iii).

(ii) For Continued Nursing Home Care, Request for Nursing Home Care Payment, Form PA 258-N.
(A) The physician uses Request for Nursing Home Care Payment, Form PA 258-N, to provide the medical information needed by the Company Assistance Office to determine eligibility. The form shall be signed by the patient's physician. No payment will be made to the patient's physician for completing the form. The physician shall send the signed form to the County Assistance Office, which stamps the date of receipt on the first page.

(B) The contents of the Form PA 258-N will not be revealed to anyone without the consent of the patient and the attending physician, except in the administration of public assistance.

(iii) Supplement-Request for Nursing Home Care Payment, Form PA 258-NS. A Supplement-Request for Nursing Home Care Payment Form PA 258-NS, will be used to record the pertinent social factors as they relate to the patient's need for nursing home care.

(3) Redetermination of need for care in the nursing home. Redetermination of need for care in the nursing home will be made as follows:
(i) Whenever there is reason to believe that the patient may no longer require nursing home care, a redetermination of eligibility for nursing home care will be initiated.

(ii) A new Form PA 258-N must be completed and signed by the patient's physician; the patient is not required to sign. A new Form PA 258-NS must also be completed for each redetermination. The responsibility of the County Assistance Office Review Team will be the same as for an initial determination.

(iii) If assistance to a patient found eligible for nursing home care was discontinued, or if payment to a patient found eligible for nursing home care was not authorized, and a patient reapplies for nursing home care before 1 year has elapsed from the date of eligibility entered on the last Form PA 258-NS, no new determination will be made then of eligibility for nursing home care, unless there is reason to believe that the patient's condition may have changed.

(iv) If, after the review of the patient's medical needs, the Medical Consultant decides that the patient no longer needs nursing home care, the CAO will send the patient notification on the Form PA 162-A.

(4) Office of Medical Programs. The Office of Medical Programs makes selective reviews of determinations of the need for nursing home care, and provides consultation to County Assistance Offices on request.

(5) Annual medical examination. Every patient in a nursing home is required to have an annual medical examination.
(i) The Department will pay for the annual medical examination for SBP recipients on request to the County Assistance Office. The request will include the name of the physician or clinic who is to make the examination.

(ii) On receipt of the request, the County Assistance Office will determine whether at least one year has elapsed since the last annual medical examination. If the request is approved by the County Assistance Office, it sends the physician or clinic the following:
(A) Two Form PA 258-N's, Request for Nursing Home Care Payment. The patient does not have to sign the Form PA 258-N.

(B) Two Form PA 48's, Authorization for Service and Supplies.

(C) One envelope addressed to the County Board of Assistance to be used by the physician or clinic to return the forms.

(iii) Fees for general medical examination are as follows: Physician's Office or Nursing Home $10

Clinic (including blood serology and urinalysis specific $ 5 gravity, sugar, albumin)

(iv) The County Assistance Office will always retain the original of the Form PA 258-N and send the nursing home a copy.

(v) The County Assistance Office reviews the Form PA 258-N, which contains the report of the annual medical examination, to determine whether there has been any significant change in the patient's condition. The County Assistance Office takes whatever action is appropriate.

(g) Nursing home care services and allowances. Allowances for nursing home care services are as follows:

(1) Nursing home care and allowances. Nursing home care shall be at the direction of a physician and indicates the following services and care:
(i) Room and board.

(ii) Bed and bath linens.

(iii) Laundry of patient's personal clothing.

(iv) Therapeutic diets.

(v) Any of the nursing care and procedures which determine the need for nursing home care.

(vi) Any or all of the following medications:
(A) Alcohol.

(B) Antacids.

(C) Antiseptics.

(D) Aspirin, APC, and similar analgesic compounds.

(E) Cold medications.

(F) (Over-the-Counter) cough medicines.

(G) (Over-the-Counter) creams.

(H) Emollients.

(I) Laxatives.

(J) Liniments.

(K) Mouth Washes.

(L) (Over-the-Counter) ointments.

(M) Simple eye preparations.

(N) Talcs.

(O) Vitamins (alone or in combination).

(vii) Medical supplies such as the following:
(A) Bandages.

(B) Catheters (except Foley Catheters).

(C) Cellu-cotton and other types of pads.

(D) Hot water bags.

(E) Ice bags.

(F) Plasters.

(G) Rubber gloves.

(H) Compresses.

(I) Cotton.

(J) Dressing.

(K) Gauzes.

(L) Sponges.

(M) Syringes.

(N) Tapes.

(O) Thermometers.

(viii) No pharmacist or vendor will be paid for any of the medications or supplies listed in this paragraph. A pharmacist will be paid for other drugs in accordance with Part III (relating to medical assistance). The pharmacy of a hospital that operates a nursing home, a long term facility, will be paid for drugs not listed above for a patient in the nursing home in accordance with Part III.

(ix) The allowance for public and private skilled nursing home care will be the Department's established rate, plus $5 per month for personal items.

(2) Physical therapy. Physical therapy allowances will conform with the following:
(i) This includes diathermy, massage, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and the like, given by a licensed physical therapist with the objective of helping the patient to meet one or more of the normal demands of everyday life without continuous help from others; or to attain the ability to be partially or wholly self-supporting.

(ii) A request for authorization of physical therapy shall be made in writing by the attending physician. Space is provided on the Form PA 258-N for a request if it is made at the time of the request for nursing home care payment. A request for physical therapy made thereafter, or if a Form PA 4-M is used, shall be made in writing by the attending physician and may be in narrative style; the request shall include diagnosis, specific procedures recommended, duration of therapy and approximate degree of improvement anticipated.

(iii) A request for continuance by physical therapy shall be made in like fashion and must include, in addition, a brief report of the patient's progress to date.

(iv) Payment is authorized for not more than a three month period and is reauthorized only if there is adequate evidence of improvement. The County Assistance Office notifies the nursing home of each authorization for physical therapy.

(v) There will be a maximum monthly allowance of $15 in addition to the allowances for nursing home care.

(h) Nursing home care authorization sheet, Form PA 21-N. The NHC Authorization Sheet, Form PA 21-N, will be used to compute the amount of the nursing home care payment and to authorize the payment. The Form PA 21-N will be prepared in ink or indelible pencil for each patient. A separate column will be used for each month in which there is a change in the allowance or income. The instructions for completion of the Form PA 21-N are as follows:

(1) Record number-Enter the number of the SBP record.

(2) Date-Enter the date of authorization.

(3) Category-Enter "BN". This indicates that the person is eligible for SBP and there is need for nursing home care.

(4) Physical therapy-Enter $15 if physical therapy has been approved.

(5) Nursing home care-Enter the actual cost as appropriate.

(6) Special items-Make no entries in this section.

(7) Total allowance-Enter the sum of paragraphs (4), (5) and $5.

(8) Total income-Enter the total monthly income as defined in § 451.3(h)(3) (relating to requirements), including the amount paid on behalf of the blind person. A one-time grant to compensate for a fiscal year underpayment is income. In computing the initial nursing home care payment, also include as income (1) money available to meet the cost of nursing home care from an SBP check received after the effective date of the initial grant because of a delay in payment due to suspension, or change of address; and (2) any advance payment to the nursing home for the period covered by the initial nursing home care payment.

(9) Need-amount-Enter the amount by which "Total Allowance" exceeds "Total Income". If the amount is less than the amount determined as provided in subsection (e), the person is not eligible for nursing home care payments. If the person has been receiving SBP, no change is necessary; otherwise, use Form PA 21-B for the authorization. Reference shall be made to subsection (e) for instructions for completion of the Form PA 21-B.

(10) Effective date-Enter the date.
(i) For initial payments, see subsection (f)(1).

(ii) For a patient who moves from one type of nursing home to another, and for whom the allowance is to change, the old allowance is payable up to and including the day before the patient enters the new home; the new allowance is payable thereafter.

(iii) A change in the allowance resulting from change in classification of a home a patient is in is effective the first full calendar month whose deadline can be met. This applies also when a nursing home is reclassified to a boarding home.

(iv) For a discontinuance, the effective date is the date following the last day the client was eligible for a nursing home care allowance or received nursing home care.

(v) For a change in income, payment name or address, the effective date is the first day in the calendar month in which the change occurs.

(11) Statistical code-Enter the appropriate statistical code. Action Code Letter "A" with the appropriate reason code is used when authorizing the initial nursing home care payment. Action Code Letter "C" with the appropriate reason code is used when authorizing discontinuance. In addition, enter PT, if an allowance for physical therapy is made. Use a single statistical code for all computations made at one time even though different amounts are used for two or more months; select the most appropriate code for the total authorization.

(12) Ref. No. PA 21-Enter the same column code numbers that are used in the Form PA 21 to indicate a change in information.

(13) Authorized by-The person authorizing the payment enters his initials.

(14) Checked by date-The person who checks the authorization enters his initials and the date the authorization is checked.

(15) 122-N Typed by date-Authorization typist enters his initials and the date the Form PA 122-N is typed.

(16) Financial-Enter the column number of the authorization and the financial code and the explanation.

(i) Miscellaneous authorization and disbursement instructions for NHC. Miscellaneous authorization and disbursement instructions for NHC shall conform with the following:

(1) Payment schedule. Regular payments are made each month for services for the previous calendar month and are mailed on 1 day each month.

(2) Discontinuance. The Form PA 122-N for a discontinuance should be submitted as soon as possible if regular SBP is being authorized for the patient. The Form PA 122-N for discontinuance of the nursing home care payments and the Form PA 122 authorizing the initial regular SBP payment will be sent grouped together to the central disbursing office. Prorated payments are issued by the central disbursing office for the regular SBP payment, whenever necessary to avoid a break in assistance, except that no prorated grant is issued for less than $1.00.

(3) Direct payment to nursing home. When a patient dies or leaves a nursing home, the amount of the nursing home care for which a nursing home care payment has not yet been received by the patient is paid directly to the nursing home.
(i) SBP is discontinued. If the payment for nursing home care is discontinued and no assistance is being authorized for any part of the remainder of the month, authorize the change of payment name and the discontinuance on the same Form PA 122-N. Use Financial Code 175, also 106 if applicable. In computing the amount of the payment, the central disbursing office will automatically exclude the allowance for personal items of $5 per month.

(ii) SBP is continued. If the person continues to receive SBP, the payment is made directly to the nursing home only if the person requests the County Assistance Office, orally or in writing, to do so. The County Assistance Office arranges to hold the regular payment that would have been paid to the person and authorizes one-time grants for the final payment to the nursing home and the initial payment to the client. In computing the amount of the payment to the nursing home, the County Assistance Office excludes the allowance for personal items of $5.00 per month.

(4) Change in regular SBP payment because nursing home care payment starts or stops. When it is necessary to discontinue, change or start a regular SBP payment because the nursing home care payment starts or stops, Form PA 21-B is used for authorizing such action. The appropriate Statistical Code is used for the action authorized. For example, Action Code Letter "C" is used to discontinue regular SBP payment. The Form PA 122 and 122-N prepared in the usual manner are used for authorizing the necessary action.

(5) Move from one Commonwealth county to another. A County Assistance Office authorizes nursing home care payments for eligible patients in nursing homes located in its county. When a patient living in one county enters or plans to enter a nursing home located in a different county, the two County Assistance Offices plan together to authorize the payment for which the person is eligible.

(j) Overpayment and underpayment. Procedures for overpayment and underpayment are as follows:

(1) An SBP recipient is overpaid if he was not eligible for some part or all of his SBP payments.

(2) The blind person is not considered to have been overpaid because of visual acuity unless the County Assistance Office decides on the basis of evidence it considers valid that the person knew he was visually ineligible and failed to report as promptly as possible; or the County Assistance Office does not suspend and discontinue SBP in accordance with § 451.3(b), because of administrative delay.

(3) An SBP recipient is underpaid if he was eligible for more than his SBP payments.

(4) The primary period of time involved in deciding the amount of SBP payments an SBP recipient was eligible for, in relation to income eligibility conditions, is his fiscal year; in relation to any other eligibility condition, the period is the fiscal month.

(5) If an overpayment or underpayment is less than $1.00, disregard it. Otherwise, for an overpayment, restitution as shown in subparagraph (ii) is required; for an underpayment, a one-time grant is authorized, shown in subparagraph (iii).
(i) Determining amount of overpayment. If the computation on the Form PA 21-BI, Part B, subsection (d) of this section, indicates the SBP recipient received a combination of SBP payments and income in excess of $4,260, the amount in excess of $4,260 is the amount of the overpayment. Reference should be made to § 451.5.

(ii) Restitution. Restitution is waived if the overpayment is due solely to administrative error.
(A) The overpayment is due to administrative error only if all of the following conditions exist:
(I) The County Assistance Office failed to obtain, interpret or appropriately apply the facts about the client's situation.

(II) The client fulfilled his obligation for reporting to the best of his ability.

(III) The client could not have been expected to know that his grant was more than he was eligible to receive. If overpayment is not waived due to administrative error, and the person continues to be eligible for SBP, restitution is made by either of the following methods:

(IV) The SBP recipient repays the entire amount in one payment. If he chooses this method, the County Assistance Office submits a Form PA 189, Referral for Restitution or Prosecution, Chapter 255, and SBP continues. If he fails to repay, the County Assistance Office, on notice from the area office, suspends or reduces the payment as described below, and notifies the area office of this action.

(V) The SBP recipient repays by having the SBP payment suspended or reduced for a period. This period may not go beyond the end of the fiscal year immediately following the one in which the overpayment took place. If the full amount of the overpayment has been repaid at the end of this period, or if SBP is discontinued before the end of this period, the County Assistance Office submits a Form PA 189 for that part of the overpayment that has not been repaid.

(B) If the blind person received SBP when he was ineligible for reasons other than income, restitution of the amount of SBP he received during the period of ineligibility is made by any one of the methods described above that is appropriate. If one of the circumstances below exists, the procedures of Chapter 255 (relating to restitution) apply:
(I) The SBP recipient was overpaid at the time of discontinuance.

(II) The recipient received NHC payments for which he was not eligible.

(III) The overpayment is discovered later than 1 fiscal year after the overpayment took place.

(IV) More than one fiscal year has elapsed since the end of the fiscal year in which the overpayment took place, and SBP is resumed.

(V) Full restitution has not been made by suspending or reducing the SBP payment.

(iii) Underpayment. An SBP recipient is underpaid if his SBP payments for his fiscal year were less than the maximum amount he is entitled to and his net income plus SBP payments totaled less than $4,260 for his fiscal year. Reference should be made to § 451.5 If the computation made at the end of the fiscal year shows that the SBP recipient has been underpaid, a one-time grant is authorized for the amount shown in Item 6, Form PA 21-BI, Part B, except in circumstances that follow. If the recipient was ineligible for SBP during any month in the fiscal year for reasons other than income, or if he received an NHC payment during the month, total $100 for each such month, and subtract the sum from the amount in Item 6; the difference is the amount of the one-time grant that is authorized.

This section cited in 55 Pa. Code § 451.3 (relating to requirements).

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