Current through Register Vol. 54, No. 52, December 28, 2024
PDR Required. A
pharmacist shall perform a PDR before filling, delivering or sending a new
prescription or drug order, except when a physician dispenses a drug to a
patient being treated in the emergency room. The PDR requires that the
pharmacist review a profile of the patient maintained in the pharmacy in
accordance with subsection (f) prior to dispensing the medication to the
patient or caregiver.
Purpose. The purpose of the PDR is to help assure that a drug
dispensed under a prescription is not likely to have an adverse medical result.
The PDR accomplishes this by attempting to identify potential drug therapy
problems that might result from therapeutic duplication, drug-drug
interactions, incorrect dosage, incorrect duration of drug treatment,
drug-allergy interactions, and clinical abuse or misuse.
(1) The PDR is required for prescriptions and
drug orders.
(2) The following are
examples of situations in which a PDR is required:
(i) A patient visits a physician in the
physician's office and receives a prescription. The patient has the
prescription filled in a retail pharmacy.
(ii) A pharmacist fills a prescription for a
patient who lives in a personal care home.
(iii) A pharmacist in a hospital pharmacy
fills an outpatient prescription for a hospital employee.
(iv) A patient is treated on a nonemergency
basis in an outpatient clinic of a hospital and is given a prescription. The
patient has the prescription filled either in the hospital pharmacy or in a
retail pharmacy.
(v) A pharmacist
fills a prescription for a patient in a nursing home.
(vi) A pharmacist in a hospital dispenses a
drug which will be administered to a patient in the hospital.
(3) The following are examples of
situations in which a PDR is not required:
A physician dispenses a drug to a patient being treated in the emergency
(ii) A pharmacist dispenses a
radiopharmaceutical to a physician who will administer it to a
(iii) A medical
practitioner dispenses a drug.
A pharmacist dispenses a drug to a medical practitioner which the practitioner
will administer to a patient.
(v) A
pharmacist delivers naloxone to an identified employee of a Pennsylvania
correctional facility, prison, jail or residential drug treatment facility
under a prescription and for an identified individual who is pending release or
discharge from the correctional facility, prison, jail or residential drug
treatment facility.
Offer to counsel.
(1) An offer to counsel shall be made to each
patient or caregiver when the pharmacist fills, delivers or sends a new retail
or outpatient prescription.
(2) The
pharmacist or designee of the pharmacist shall orally make the offer in person
if a patient or caregiver comes to the pharmacy. If the pharmacist in the
exercise of professional judgment in the interest of a patient believes that an
oral offer would be less effective than a written offer, the pharmacist may
substitute a written offer. The following are examples of situations in which a
pharmacist might substitute a written offer:
(i) The patient or caregiver is hearing
(ii) The patient or
caregiver is not an English speaker.
(3) If neither the patient nor caregiver
comes to the pharmacy, the offer to counsel shall be made in one of the
following ways:
(i) The pharmacist or designee
may telephone the patient or caregiver.
(ii) The pharmacy delivery person may orally
make the offer to the patient or caregiver.
(iii) The pharmacist may send a written offer
to counsel together with the filled prescription which is delivered or sent to
the patient.
(4) A
written offer to counsel must include the telephone number of the
(5) A pharmacy shall
provide toll-free telephone service if its primary patient population is beyond
the local or toll-free exchange.
(6) A mail order pharmacy shall make the
offer to counsel either by telephone or by sending a written offer together
with the filled prescription. The written offer must include a toll-free
telephone number of the pharmacy which a patient or caregiver may use to obtain
(7) The obligation to
make an offer to counsel will be fulfilled by making one offer in accordance
with this subsection.
(1) Only a
pharmacist may counsel.
(2) If a
patient or caregiver who comes to the pharmacy indicates that he wants
counselling, the pharmacist shall counsel the patient or caregiver in person,
or, at the discretion of the patient or caregiver, by telephone.
(3) If the filled prescription is sent or
delivered to the patient or caregiver, counselling shall be by
(4) The following are
examples of matters which a pharmacist in the exercise of professional judgment
might deem significant and discuss with the patient or caregiver:
(i) The name and description of the
(ii) The route of
administration, dosage form and duration of drug therapy.
(iii) Special directions and precautions for
preparation, administration and use by the patient.
(iv) Common severe side effects or
interactions and therapeutic contraindications that may be encountered,
including their avoidance, and the action required if they occur.
(v) Techniques for self-monitoring drug
(vi) Proper
(vii) Prescription refill
(viii) Action to be
taken in the event of a missed dose.
(5) If a pharmacist discovers a specific
problem with a medication during the course of a PDR, the pharmacist shall
intervene to attempt to resolve the problem.
Patient profile.
(1) The pharmacist or designee of the
pharmacist shall make a reasonable effort to obtain, record and maintain the
following information about each patient:
The name, address, telephone number, date of birth (or age) and
(ii) Individual history, if
significant, including known allergies and drug reactions, and a list of
medications and relevant devices, as provided by the patient or
(iii) Pharmacist
comments relative to the individual's drug therapy.
(2) The patient profile may be maintained
electronically or manually.
(3) The
pharmacist or designee of the pharmacist shall begin a patient profile when the
pharmacist fills a prescription for a new patient or for a current patient for
whom a profile had not previously been maintained.
(4) The patient profile shall be maintained
for at least 2 years after the last entry.
(5) The Board will consider a single request
for information for a patient profile made to a patient or caregiver a
reasonable effort to obtain the information outlined in this
Refusal to accept counselling or to provide information.
(1) A pharmacist is not required to provide
counselling or obtain information for the patient profile if the patient or
caregiver refuses the offer to counsel or refuses to divulge information for
the patient profile. If a patient or caregiver fails to respond to an offer to
counsel or a request for information, the failure to respond will be deemed a
(2) The pharmacist or
designee shall document the refusal of a patient or caregiver to accept
counselling or provide information. The documentation must include the name or
initials of the pharmacist or designee noting the refusal. The following kinds
of documentation are acceptable:
(i) A
notation made by the pharmacist or designee on the prescription or patient
profile or the electronic records of the pharmacy.
(ii) A writing signed by the patient or
Information gained by a pharmacist, pharmacy or employee of a pharmacy about a
patient under this section shall be regarded as confidential. The information
shall be maintained in accordance with section 8(10) of the act (63 P. S. §
(2) The pharmacist or pharmacy may reveal the
information if one of the following circumstances occurs:
(i) The patient consents to the
(ii) The Board or its
authorized agents require the information for any proceeding under the
(iii) State or Federal law or
regulations require or authorize the disclosure.
(iv) A court orders the disclosure.
The provisions of this § 27.19 amended under
section 6(k)(9) of the Pharmacy Act (63 P.S. §
This section cited in 49 Pa. Code §
27.203 (relating to centralized
prescription processing).