Pennsylvania Code
Title 40 - LIQUOR
Section 5.202 - Definitions
When used in this subchapter, the following words and terms have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Alcohol service personnel-Any employee of a licensee such as a bartender, waiter or, in the case of a distributor or importing distributor, a salesperson whose primary responsibility includes the resale, furnishing or serving of liquor or malt or brewed beverages. It shall also mean any employee, such as a doorperson, whose primary responsibility is to ascertain the age of individuals who are attempting to enter the licensed premises.
Alternative curriculum-Curriculum for server/seller training that was developed by an entity other than the Bureau of Alcohol Education.
BAE-Bureau of Alcohol Education-The office in the PLCB that is responsible for administering the Responsible Alcohol Management Program (RAMP).
Classroom instructor-An individual who is authorized by the PLCB to instruct students on server/seller training in a classroom setting where the instructor and the students are physically present.
Designated employee-An employee of a licensee whose primary job for the licensee is employee training or providing human resource services.
Licensee-An individual, person or entity that holds a license issued by the PLCB.
Material change-A change that affects or impacts the substance of the curriculum or changes the order of the curriculum. A material change may include the addition of unapproved information or the deletion of approved information.
New employee-An individual who has not been employed at the licensed premises in any capacity during the preceding year.
Online training provider-An individual or entity who is authorized by the PLCB to provide instruction to students on server/seller training by means of the Internet.
Owner/manager training-Training conducted by the PLCB or its employees for individuals who manage or own licensed premises.
PLCB-Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board.
RAMP-Responsible Alcohol Management Program-A certification program regarding the responsible sale and service of alcohol.
Responsible server practices-Procedures and practices used by alcohol service personnel to prevent the furnishing or selling of alcoholic beverages to minors and visibly intoxicated persons.
Server/seller training-Training conducted by the PLCB, a classroom instructor, or an online training provider for alcohol service personnel.
Standard curriculum-Curriculum for server/seller training that is produced and provided by the Bureau of Alcohol Education.
Student-An individual who has enrolled in a RAMP class or online training.
Training voucher-A code or password that grants permission or access to an online training program that may be purchased from an online training provider.
The provisions of this § 5.202 amended under sections 207(i) and 471.1 of the Liquor Code (47 P.S. §§ 2-207(i) and 4-471.1).