Pennsylvania Code
Part VI - Health Care Cost Containment Council
Appendix A
Uniform Claims
Billing Form
Reporting Manual
HC-87-101 Volume A-Inpatient Data Reporting
Pennsylvania Health Care Cost
Containment Council
Harrisburg Transportation Center
Suite 208
4th and Chestnut Streets
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101
(717) 232-6787
The purpose of this manual is to provide data sources with the technical specifications necessary for data collection and data submissions to the Council. According to Act 89, the collection of health data by the Council will be used to facilitate the continuing provision of quality, cost-effective health services throughout the Commonwealth by providing data and information to the purchasers and consumers of health care on both cost and quality of health care services.
Volume A pertains to data submission formats for hospitals and ambulatory service facilities. The Council will collect the raw data from the various data sources, using some key matching data elements, merge the data to provide records per hospitalization or major ambulatory service visit.
Table of Contents
Hospital and Ambulatory Service Facility Reporting Manual
Header Record Manual
Trailer Record Manual
Hospital and Ambulatory Service Facility Tape Format
Index by Data Element Name
Data Element Name | Field # | UB-92 Form Locater |
Admission Date | 5 | 6 |
Admission Hour | 40 | 18 |
Admission-Type of | 26 | 19 |
Admission-Source of | 27 | 20 |
Admitting Diagnosis | 36 | 76 |
Certification/SSN/ Health Insurance Claim Number | 29a-c | 60 |
Discharge Date | 6 | 6 |
Discharge Hour | 41 | 21 |
Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) | 24 | 2h |
E-Code | 37 | 77 |
Employer Name | 32a-c | 65 |
Employment Status | 34a-c | 64 |
Estimated Amount Due | 14g | 55 |
Federal Tax ID | 39 | 5 |
HCPCS/Rates | 13a-w6 | 44 |
Hispanic/Latino Origin or Descent | 35a | 2i |
Non-Covered Charges | 13a-w5 | 48 |
Patient Discharge Status | 20 | 22 |
Patient Date of Birth | 2 | 14 |
Patient Control Number | 23 | 3 |
Patient-Uniform Identification | 1 | 2a |
Patient Race | 35b | 2j |
Patient Relationship to Insured | 28a-c | 59 |
Patient Sex | 3 | 15 |
Patient Zip Code | 4 | 13 |
Payor Group Number | 19 | 62 |
Payor Identification | 14b | 50 |
Physician Identification-Attending | 11 | 82 |
Physician Identification-Operating | 12 | 83 |
Physician Identification-Referring | 38 | 82 |
Principal Diagnosis | 7a | 67 |
Principal Procedure Code and Date | 8a, 8b | 80 |
Prior Payments-Payor and Patient | 14f | 54 |
Procedure Coding Method Used | 25 | 79 |
Provider Quality | 21a | 2d |
Provider Service Effectiveness | 21b | 2e |
Revenue Code | 13a-w2 | 42 |
Reserve Field | 21e | HC4 |
Secondary Diagnosis | 7b-i | 68-75 |
Secondary Procedure Code and Date | 9 | 81 |
Service Date | 13a-w7 | 45 |
Total Charges | 13a-w4 | 47 |
Type of Bill | 22 | 4 |
Uniform Identifier of Health Care Facility | 10 | 2b |
Uniform Identifier of Primary Payor | 17 | 2c |
Units of Service | 13a-w3 | 46 |
Unusual Occurrence-Nosocomial Infection | 21c | 2f |
Unusual Occurrence-Readmission | 21d | 29 |
Index by Field Number
Data Element Name | Field # | UB-92 Form Locater |
Patient-Uniform Identification | 1 | 2a |
Patient Date of Birth | 2 | 14 |
Patient Sex | 3 | 15 |
Patient Zip Code | 4 | 13 |
Admission Date | 5 | 6 |
Discharge Date | 6 | 6 |
Principal Diagnosis | 7a | 67 |
Secondary Diagnosis | 7b-i | 68-75 |
Principal Procedure Code and Date | 8a, 8b | 80 |
Secondary Procedure Code and Date | 9 | 81 |
Uniform Identifier of Health Care Facility | 10 | 2b |
Physician Identification-Attending | 11 | 82 |
Physician Identification-Operating | 12 | 83 |
Revenue Code | 13a-w2 | 42 |
Units of Service | 13a-w3 | 46 |
Total Charges | 13a-w4 | 47 |
Non-Covered Charges | 13a-w5 | 48 |
HCPCS/Rates | 13a-w6 | 44 |
Service Date | 13a-w7 | 45 |
Payor Identification | 14b | 50 |
Prior Payments-Payor and Patient | 14f | 54 |
Estimated Amount Due | 14g | 55 |
Uniform Identifier of Primary Payor | 17 | 2c |
Payor Group Number | 19 | 62 |
Patient Discharge Status | 20 | 22 |
Provider Quality | 21a | 2d |
Provider Service Effectiveness | 21b | 2e |
Unusual Occurrence-Nosocomial Infection | 21c | 2f |
Unusual Occurrence-Readmission | 21d | 29 |
Reserve Field | 21e | |
Type of Bill | 22 | 4 |
Patient Control Number | 23 | 3 |
Diagnosis Related Group (DRG) | 24 | 2h |
Procedure Coding Method Used | 25 | 79 |
Admission-Type of | 26 | 19 |
Admission-Source of | 27 | 20 |
Patient Relationship to Insured | 28a-c | 59 |
Certification/SSN/Health Insurance Claim Number | 29a-c | 60 |
Employer Name | 32a-c | 65 |
Employment Status | 34a-c | 64 |
Hispanic/Latino Origin or Descent | 35a | 2i |
Patient Race | 35b | 2j |
Admitting Diagnosis | 36 | 76 |
E-Code | 37 | 77 |
Physician Identification-Referring | 38 | 82 |
Federal Tax ID | 39 | 5 |
Admission Hour | 40 | 18 |
Discharge Hour | 41 | 21 |