Preparation of Opinions.
Preparation of opinions and responses to circulating opinions shall be given
the highest priority.
Majority. The assigned Justice shall, absent extraordinary
circumstances, circulate a proposed majority opinion to all members of the
Court within ninety (90) days of the assignment in single-issue cases and
serial capital PCRA appeals, within one hundred and twenty (120) days in
multiple-issue cases, within one hundred and fifty (150) days in capital direct
appeals, within one hundred and eighty (180) days in first capital PCRA
appeals, or within forty-five (45) days of the assignment of a Children's Fast
Track appeal. The Court should make every effort to decide cases by clear
majority disposition.
Concurrences and Dissents. Justices who are aligned as to the
result should collaborate as much as possible to achieve a unified position in
responsive opinions. Concurrences and dissents shall be circulated to all
members of the Court within forty (40) days of the date of the first scheduled
vote on the proposed majority opinion in single-issue cases and serial capital
PCRA appeals, within sixty (60) days in multiple-issue cases, within
seventy-five (75) days in capital direct appeals, and within ninety (90) days
in first capital PCRA cases. Matters may also be held for additional review by
a Justice during these time periods. In Children's Fast Track appeals,
concurrences and dissents shall be circulated to all members of the Court
within twenty (20) days of the date of the first scheduled vote on the proposed
majority opinion.
Due dates for responsive opinions are calculated from the
date of the first scheduled vote on the original proposed
majority opinion, regardless of whether the case is moved to a subsequent vote
list by the circulation of a responsive opinion. Generally, the first scheduled
vote date will remain the threshold date in the calculation, unless the
proposed majority opinion is withdrawn or the substantive analysis and/or
resolution is substantially altered via a revised opinion. In such instances,
the time period is calculated from the date of the first scheduled vote on the
revised majority opinion. A majority author's mere defense of an
already-existing analysis through revisions in the nature of rejoinder does not
alter the time period for response.
Entry of Votes. Votes on
listed cases shall be entered according to the schedule provided by the Chief
Justice. Generally speaking, votes are due on the fifth business day following
circulation of the vote list. However, that time frame is adjusted to account
for holidays, court sessions and other anticipated conflicts. The vote schedule
for the calendar year distributed to the Court by the Chief Justice specifies
the vote day for each month. Within two (2) business days following entry of
the votes, the Chief Justice will circulate to all Justices a disposition,
listing the votes for each case. Within two (2) days after circulation of the
disposition, the Chief Justice must be advised of any correction. On the next
business day (the fifth business day following the entry of votes) the Chief
Justice shall circulate to the Court and to the Prothonotary a confidential
list of all cases ready to be filed together with the votes of the Justices. No
case will appear on the confidential list unless all votes are recorded. The
Prothonotary will docket opinions consistent with the information received.
a. Permissible votes include "join majority
opinion"; "join majority opinion/author concurring opinion"; "author revised
majority opinion"; "author concurring opinion"; "author revised concurring
opinion"; "hold for concurring opinion"; "join concurring opinion"; "author
dissenting opinion"; "author revised dissenting opinion"; "hold for dissenting
opinion"; "join dissenting opinion"; "author concurring/dissenting opinion";
"hold for concurring/dissenting opinion"; "join concurring/dissenting opinion";
"hold for further review"; "do not participate"; or "other." A Justice may also
"concur in the result" or "dissent without opinion," but these options should
not be employed if the vote is dispositive.
Telephone Conferences and
Administrative Agenda. After receipt of the monthly vote list, any
Justice may request that any case be held for telephone conference by making
such request in writing or electronically to the Chief Justice with notice to
all other Justices. The list will also indicate a date certain on which a
telephone conference will be held for any cases so designated. At the request
of any Justice, and upon approval by the Chief Justice, cases may be held for
discussion to take place at the next scheduled administrative agenda.
Holds. Upon entry of any
hold vote, the period required for response shall correspond to the time
periods allowed for circulation of concurrences and dissents. A Justice may
request additional leeway upon circulation of an internal letter explaining the
reasons for the delay and estimating the time for completion of the review or
responsive opinion. If the review or responsive opinion is not completed by the
designated time, additional status information shall be provided every twenty
(20) days thereafter, except when the matter has been placed on hold for
another pending case; in that event, the matter shall be resolved upon the
resolution of the pending case. Once a matter has been voted upon and the time
period initially allowed for circulation of concurrences and dissents has
passed, holds upon subsequent listings are strongly discouraged. Held opinions
are to be resolved expeditiously. In a Children's Fast Track appeal, in no
event shall circulation of a responsive opinion occur beyond thirty (30) days
from the date the vote was initially due.
Upon appropriate notice to a "holding" Justice and an
opportunity to respond, the Chief Justice in his or her discretion may direct
the filing of an opinion with a "holding" Justice noted as not participating in
the decision of the matter, dissenting without opinion, concurring in the
result, or with an opinion to follow, as the case may be. In Children's Fast
Track appeals, if, within thirty (30) days of the date votes are due on
majority opinions no dissent or concurrence has been placed in circulation, the
case will be filed, and the dissenting or concurring Justice will be noted as
not having participated in the decision of the matter.
Reassignment. When a
concurrence or dissent garners a majority of votes, the author of the proposed
majority opinion may withdraw the opinion to revise to accommodate the new
majority, or the case shall be reassigned to the author of the concurrence or
dissent. Upon reassignment, and absent extraordinary circumstances, the new
majority opinion shall be circulated within thirty (30) days in single-issue
cases and serial capital PCRA appeals, sixty (60) days in multiple-issue cases,
seventy-five (75) days in capital direct appeals, ninety (90) days in first
capital PCRA appeals, and, in Children's Fast Track appeals, within fifteen
(15) days.
Notwithstanding any contrary procedures set forth above,
Justices shall give priority in both circulation of and voting on proposed
opinions in Children's Fast Track appeals.