Pennsylvania Code
Rule 4002 - Definitions
Condensed transcript means a miniaturized copy of the original transcript printed in such a way as to place more than one page of transcript on a single sheet of paper.
Court Administrator means the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania.
Court recorder means an individual employed, contracted or utilized by a court to record testimony by electronic means (audio or audio-visual).
Court reporter means an individual employed, contracted or utilized by a court to record testimony whether through use of a stenotype machine, stenomask equipment, written symbols, or otherwise.
Court reporter's dictionary is a computer file that matches a court reporter's steno strokes with English text. A court reporter's dictionary is an essential part of a computer aided transcription (CAT) system.
Court reporting personnel includes court reporters, court recorders, transcriptionists and any others whether employed or contracted who make the court record for use in any Pennsylvania court.
Daily transcript means a transcript delivered within eighteen (18) hours of an official request, not including weekends or official court holidays. For the purposes of additional payment, a transcript is a daily transcript only if it is in fact delivered within the above time limit.
Digital audio files are those files created by digital recording systems and saved in a format that allows storage and playback through computer applications.
District Court Administrator means the County Court Administrator.
Electronic transcript means a transcript delivered in an electronic, non-paper medium.
Expedited transcript means a transcript delivered within seventy-two (72) hours of an official request, not including weekends or official court holidays. For the purposes of additional payment, a transcript is an expedited transcript only if it is in fact delivered within the above time limit.
Filing office refers to an office without regard to title that has the responsibility and function in each judicial district to maintain the official dockets and case files of the court.
Notes of testimony means the official recording of an oral proceeding made whether through use of an electronic device, stenomask equipment, stenotype machine, written symbols, or otherwise; and includes the dictionary, media storage files, and other documentation needed to prepare a transcript.
Ordinary transcript means a transcript necessary for an appeal or to otherwise advance litigation and required under a time frame set by a Pennsylvania Rule of Court regarding the delivery of court transcripts or by court order. An example of a non-ordinary transcript is one requested by a party when no matters are open before the court or where the transcript is ordered by a non-party.
Original transcript means the transcript prepared and certified by the court reporter for filing with the court.
President Judge means the president judge in each judicial district, his or her designee, or any judicial officer recognized by the Court Administrator as having administrative authority.
Same day delivery means transcripts delivered within 6 hours of the close of the court session, divided by morning and afternoon with the line of demarcation being lunch or mid-day recess.
Transcript means a certified, written, verbatim record of a proceeding.
Transcriptionist means any person employed, contracted or utilized by a court to prepare a transcript of a proceeding from an electronic or other recording. A court recorder and a court reporter may also serve as a transcriptionist.