Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 918-090-0210 - Licensing Application Requirements
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector Applicants must submit an application on division-supplied forms that shall include a listing of current specialty code certifications along with a $100 application fee. The applicant shall pass a division-approved examination on the substance and intent of the laws and rules related to the licensure of plan reviewers and inspectors. If an applicant fails to take the examination within 60 days of being approved to do so, the applicant must reapply. Applicants who fail the division approved examination shall be required to pay a $25 fee and wait 30 days before retaking the required examination, but shall not make more than three attempts in a 12-month period.
(2) Limited Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector Applicants must submit an application on a division-supplied form, that shall include a listing of current specialty code certifications, along with a $50 application fee. The applicant shall identify the building inspection programs for which they will be working. No examination is required for the limited plan reviewer and inspector license.
(3) Applicants shall first apply for and obtain the required specialty code certifications under OAR chapter 918, division 098, 281, 695, or 780, prior to becoming a Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector or a Limited Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector under these rules.
(4) Beginning July 1, 2005, individuals applying to be a Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector, or a Limited Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector must demonstrate a minimum level of experience to the division. An individual's scope of work will be restricted based on certification and experience. The division will designate the scope of work allowed based on an applicants experience. License applicants must obtain the appropriate certificate recognized under OAR 918-098-1010 through 918-098-1220. In addition to obtaining the appropriate certification under Chapter 918, division 098, license applicants must demonstrate to the division the following:
(5) Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector, and Limited Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector must renew every two years on division-approved forms, submit the form with payment to the division before the license expiration date, meet continuing education requirements outlined in sub-section (c), and update or change any information that is no longer current.
(6) A Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector, and Limited Licensed Plan Reviewer or Inspector license is valid only for the specialty code certifications held by the licensee. A licensed individual must work within the scope of the license or may be subject to sanctions under OAR 918-098-1500. The license shall be suspended or revoked if the licensee no longer holds at least one current certification as a plans examiner or inspector.
(7) Individuals denied licensure may appeal this decision to the director and request contested case procedures under ORS Chapter 183.
Stat. Auth: ORS 455.457
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.457