Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 918-674-0210 - Third-Party Certification Application
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Applicants for third-party certification shall submit an application on Division-supplied forms.
(2) The application for third-party agency certification shall contain at least the following:
NOTE: The information required in subsections (d) through (h) of this section may be submitted on an organizational chart.
(3) The applicant for third-party agency certification shall submit resumes containing qualifications of all persons involved in the management of the agency except for persons certified as a plans examiner, inspector or building official or registered as an engineer or architect.
(4) Each application for certification shall contain a signed statement by the owner(s) or senior officers of the third-party agency declaring the third-party agency and its employees are free of any conflict of interest or collusion including, but not limited to, those activities listed in OAR 918-674-0240 and 918-674-0250. In the case of a municipal third-party agency, the statement shall be signed by the person so authorized by the local authority having jurisdiction governing body.
(5) Each application for certification shall contain the signature and typed or printed name(s) of the owner(s) or senior officers of the third-party agency and the date of application submission. In the case of a municipal third-party agency, the application shall be signed by the person so authorized by the local authority having jurisdiction governing body.
(6) Each application for certification shall be accompanied by a fee as required in OAR 918-674-0155.
(7) The Division shall approve or deny any completed application for third-party agency certification within 60 days of receipt.
(8) Persons denied certification as a third-party agency from the Division may appeal this decision to the Administrator according to OAR 918-674-0270(4).
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.705
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.705