Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 918-674-0130 - Insignia(s) of Compliance Required
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Each prefabricated structure, except as required in sections (2), (3) and (4) of this rule, manufactured for sale, lease, rent or installation in Oregon shall bear an Oregon insignia of compliance affixed to each section or module, located on an accessible exterior wall or according to the approved plans, prior to leaving the manufacturing plant.
(2) Each prefabricated component building manufactured for sale or installed in Oregon shall bear an Oregon insignia of compliance located on an accessible exterior wall prior to leaving the manufacturing plant.
(3) Prefabricated refrigeration panels manufactured for sale or installed in Oregon shall bear one Oregon insignia of compliance located on the exterior side of the panel located nearest the door prior to leaving the manufacturing plant.
(4) Each prefabricated building component not identified in section (2) or (3) of this rule, manufactured for sale or installed in Oregon, shall bear one Oregon insignia of compliance located in a conspicuous place prior to leaving the manufacturing plant.
(5) The application shall be submitted to the Division's Salem office accompanied by the appropriate insignia fees and must be received prior to construction.
(6) Only an Oregon certified third-party agency may issue Oregon insignias of compliance to prefabricated structure suppliers or manufacturers for those prefabricated structures inspected by that third-party agency.
(7) Manufacturers shall order insignias of compliance on Division-supplied forms for any prefabricated structures to be inspected by the Division or a third-party agency at the fees described in OAR 918-674-0155.
(8) Third-party agencies shall designate at least one individual, but not more than two individuals, in their organization authorized to receive insignias of compliance. The Division shall only issue insignias of compliance to the person(s) authorized by the third-party.
(9) Upon receipt, the third-party agency shall verify the insignias of compliance have been received in satisfactory condition and contain the correct information. Any insignias of compliance damaged or containing incorrect information shall be returned to the Division immediately for replacement.
(10) A third-party agency is responsible for an insignia of compliance from the time it is received until it is issued to the manufacturer. The third-party agency shall insure insignias of compliance are secured under lock and key until issued.
(11) No insignia shall be issued by a third-party for any prefabricated structure prior to plans being approved and inspections made verifying compliance with the Oregon Specialty Codes and these rules.
(12) All insignias of compliance remain the sole property of the Division and may be withdrawn from the manufacturer or third-party upon cause.
(13) When a manufacturer's registration has been canceled by the Division, the third-party agency shall not issue any insignias of compliance to that manufacturer.
Publications: The publications referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.030, ORS 455.100 & ORS 455.110
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.110 & ORS 455.705