Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 918-674-0065 - Plan Requirements
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
Plan Review Procedures:
(1) Plans Required. Prefabricated structures constructed for use in Oregon shall be constructed to plans approved by the Division or a certified third-party agency. The Division or certified third-party agencies shall review and approve plans for the construction of prefabricated structures in compliance with the Oregon Specialty Codes prior to the construction of a prefabricated structure. The application for plan approval shall be on forms provided by the Division. The application shall show the use or occupancy, be accompanied by plans, specifications and other data and include the plan review fee required by OAR 918-674-0155. Plans shall be submitted as custom plans or design master plans.
(2) Copies Required. At least two complete sets of plans, specifications, engineering calculations and other data, when required by the Division, shall be submitted with each application for plan approval. A minimum of three sets of plans shall be submitted for all incomplete structures with a "Notice to a Local Enforcement Agency" (NLEA) form. One set of these Division-approved plans identifying the work to be completed on site shall be shipped with the incomplete structure for use by the local authority having jurisdiction.
(3) Plot Plan. When required, plans shall include a plot plan showing the location of the prefabricated structure in relation to other buildings on the same property, if any, their exit ways and property lines.
(4) Approval. If the Division or certified third-party agency finds that the submittal conforms to the requirements of these rules and that the fees have been paid, the documents shall be endorsed in writing or stamped "Approved" and one set returned to the applicant. The applicant's set of plans shall be kept at the place of manufacture and shall be made available during inspection.
(5) Records Required. The manufacturer shall maintain a permanent record of construction documents, by serial number, of all units manufactured.
(6) If a manufacturer fails to renew its registration with the Division, all Division approvals of plans and manuals and unused insignia shall become void.
(7) Applications for units with incomplete systems shall include a list of all items to be installed on the job site to complete the units for occupancy.
(8) In addition to the plans described in this rule, the Division may, when deemed necessary, require the manufacturer of prefabricated building components and component buildings to submit an installation manual or installation instructions for Division approval.
Publications: The publications referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.030, ORS 455.100 & ORS 455.110
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.110 & ORS 455.705