Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 918-674-0057 - Alternative Inspection Pilot Program
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) There is established in the division an optional alternative inspection pilot program. The alternative inspection pilot program ends December 31, 2018. A manufacturer must continuously meet the requirements of this rule for continued use of this program.
(2) Under this program the division may waive in-plant cover inspections specified in OAR 918-674-0055(2)(a) for certain prefabricated structures.
(3) Following initial approval, a manufacturer must obtain annual approval from the division for continued use of the program. Subsequent approval is based upon division evaluation of the manufacturer's prior year performance under this program.
(4) The scope of construction is limited to prefabricated structures:
(5) The following definitions apply to this rule.
(6) A manufacturer must submit a compliance control program as specified in OAR 918-674-0060(2) and pay the appropriate fee as specified in OAR 918-674-0155. The compliance control program must also contain an inspection checklist, in a form and format acceptable to the division, where the manufacturer inspects the structure according to the applicable state building code and documents any waived inspections under this program including, but not limited to:
(7) A copy of the inspection checklist must be provided during the final inspection.
(8) Prior to approving a manufacturer for this alternative inspection pilot program, the division must fully inspect one structure to ensure the manufacturer is following its approved compliance control program and determine if the manufacturer is capable of constructing code compliant structures.
(9) The final inspection performed by the division is to ensure that the manufacturer has satisfied the requirements of this rule as evidenced by a completed and signed inspection checklist. The division's final inspection is limited to only those items that can be visually inspected or by removing typical access panels. It may be necessary for an inspector to use simple hand tools to access certain installations.
(10) The final inspection performed by the division may not be construed to mean that the division or a division inspector assumes any liability for any work or any inspection performed by the manufacturer under this alternative inspection program.
(11) A manufacturer is required to purchase a warranty for each structure built under this alternative inspection pilot program that is offered for sale, rent, or lease in Oregon. A warranty must include, but is not limited to:
(12) A manufacturer must submit, along with it's quality control manual, a written statement that the manufacturer will agree to provide a "loss run" on an annual basis from the insurer providing the warranty protection for structures built under this program. The loss run must be submitted to the division by March 1 of each year following division approval for use of the program.
(13) This rule does not waive:
(14) The division may perform random audits of the manufacturer's alternative inspection program for the purposes of verifying the manufacturer is complying with the compliance control program. Fees for evaluating or auditing a compliance control program are as specified in OAR 918-674-0155(4).
(15) The division may deny a manufacturer's use of the alternative inspection program if the division determines that the manufacturer is unable to construct complying structures as determined by final inspection, reinspection, as a result of evaluating or auditing the manufacturer's compliance control program, or excessive warranty claims.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.030, 455.100 & 455.110
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.110 & 455.705