Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 918-674-0033 - Specific Use Structures
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
Unless stated otherwise within this rule, this rule is applied retroactively from July 1, 2010.
(1) When it can be demonstrated that compliance with strict requirements of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code or the Oregon Residential Specialty Code are impractical and the intent and purpose of the code can still be met without causing structural failure or risk of fire in employee protection only structures, equipment protection only structures, recreational use structures, and food service structures, the requirements of the code may be modified by the building official charged with administration of the prefabricated structures program.
(2) All new or converted food service structures shall provide required fire-resistive construction and suppression equipment including the structural elements necessary for any mechanical installations.
(3) The division may waive the formal plan review process required in the Oregon Structural Specialty Code or the Oregon Residential Specialty Code for specific use structures if the plans are prepared by an Oregon registered architect or engineer and it is found that the nature of the work applied for is such that plan review is not necessary to obtain minimum compliance with the code.
(4) If the division determines the work in a specific use structure is not of a highly technical nature and there is no unreasonable risk to life and safety, plans required by the Oregon Structural Specialty Code or the Oregon Residential Specialty Code may be prepared by a person who is not an Oregon registered architect or engineer.
(5) Specific use structures are exempt from the exterior envelope requirements of the Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code provided the roof/ceiling assembly meets the prescriptive requirements of the code and the center of non-bullet-resistant window glass has a minimum U-factor of .35.
(6) Equipment protection only structures are exempt from all of the envelope requirements of the Oregon Energy Efficiency Specialty Code.
Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.010, 455.100 & 455.110
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.110