Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 918-674-0005 - Definitions
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
The following definitions are in addition to those included in ORS 455.010, the Oregon Structural Specialty Code and the Oregon One and Two Family Dwelling Specialty Code.
(1) "Approved" means approved by the Building Codes Division or certified third-party inspection agency.
(2) "Audit" means an evaluation of a manufacturer's compliance control procedure or an examination of prefabricated structure construction by the Division or the Division's representative.
(3) "Building Site" means any lot or tract of land upon which a prefabricated structure is installed.
(4) "Closed Construction" means a factory-assembled structure or component that encloses factory-installed structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing or energy conservation equipment or material inside a floor, wall or roof cavity which is not entirely open for visual inspection of the equipment or material at the site.
(5) "Compliance Control" means the method of controlling the construction, fabrication, assembly and erection where applicable, including storage and use of various materials, to insure compliance with the rules and construction codes adopted for the regulation of prefabricated structures.
(6) "Component." (See Prefabricated Structure.)
(7) "Custom Plan" means a plan for construction of a one-of-a-kind structure.
(8) "Design Option" means an alternative design or type of construction included in a design plan.
(9) "Design Master Plan" means a document, or set of documents, used for constructing multiple prefabricated structures utilizing the same plan with or without options.
(10) "Division" means the Building Codes Division.
(11) "Incomplete Structure" means either a prefabricated permanent or relocatable building which, because of design, size or transportation limitations, is not completed by the manufacturer at the manufacturer's facility (i.e., on-site roof framing, installation of plumbing fixtures or roof-mounted heating, ventilation or air conditioning equipment)
(12) "Insignia of Compliance" has the meaning given in ORS 455.705.
(13) "Installation" means the assembly of a prefabricated structure on-site, and the process of attaching the structure to land, foundation, or an existing building.
(14) "Manufacture" means the process of making, fabricating, constructing, forming or assembling a product from raw, unfinished or semi-finished materials to produce prefabricated structures.
(15) "Manufacturer." (See Registered Manufacturer.)
(16) "Manufacturer's Compliance Control" means an inspection program implemented and maintained by the manufacturer under Division certification and audit procedures.
(17) "Monitoring" means an evaluation or examination by the Division of a certified third-party agency to determine compliance with Oregon laws, rules and the Oregon Specialty Codes.
(18) "Panel." (See Prefabricated Component.)
(19) "Plan" means a specific design of prefabricated structure as designated by the manufacturer to be the working drawings for production of a unit.
(20) "Prefabricated Structure" has the meaning given in ORS 455.010 and includes the following types of structures and components:
A prefabricated structure does not include a prefabricated permanent building after it has been initially installed on the building site, inspected and approved for initial occupancy and the Division has accepted the building owner's agreement that all future construction will be "open" construction under the control of the local authority having jurisdiction.
(21) "Reciprocity" means the acceptance among two or more states for prefabricated structures produced in the one state and designated for installation in the other state.
(22) "Registered Manufacturer" means a person, partnership or corporation which has been approved by the Division as a manufacturer of prefabricated structures.
(23) "Specific Use Structure" means a prefabricated structure intended to be used for longer than 30 days in one location that is a single-story structure 400 square feet or less and specifically includes the following:
(24) "Substantial Compliance" has the meaning given in ORS 455.410.
(25) "Substantially Prefabricated or Assembled" means a module or the major portion of a prefabricated structure that is assembled in such a manner that all portions may not be fully inspected without disassembly or destruction of the part.
(26) "System" means a specific part of the construction, structural, plumbing, electrical or mechanical.
(27) "Third-Party Agency, Certified" means an independent contractor (private or municipal) approved by the Division to provide prefabricated structure plan approval or inspection services as further defined in ORS 455.715 and who acts under the authority and direction of the building official charged with the administration of the prefabricated structures program.
Publications: The publication(s) referred to or incorporated by reference in this rule are available from the agency.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 455.030, ORS 455.100 & ORS 455.110
Stats. Implemented: ORS 455.010