Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
Manufactured dwellings are constructed, approved, and intended
for use as detached single-family dwellings. However, manufactured dwellings
may be used as other than detached single-family dwellings provided the
manufactured dwelling remains in compliance with the federal Manufactured Home
Construction and Safety Standards ( 24 CFR 3280), is installed according to the
Oregon Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code prior to occupancy,
and complies with applicable requirements of these rules.
(1) Manufactured dwellings may be used as
temporary sales offices provided the manufactured dwelling:
(a) Does not have any design, construction,
transportation, fire and life safety, plumbing, mechanical, or electrical
alterations made to it to accommodate the temporary sales office use;
(b) Has a 36 inch wide by 80 inch high exit
(c) Is continuously offered
for sale to the public as a manufactured dwelling during the office
(d) Has a certificate of
occupancy issued by the municipality prior to occupancy; and
(e) Is accessible to employees, the public,
and persons with disabilities prior to use in accordance with the Oregon
Structural Specialty Code in all the following areas:
(A) All rooms and all floor levels within the
manufactured dwelling that will be used for office use, such as bedrooms, dens,
living rooms, family rooms, foyers, entry ways, and hallways must be
(B) Bathrooms must
contain a water closet and a lavatory and must be made accessible. Only one
bathroom is required to be accessible if the bathroom is properly marked as a
unisex facility and provided with a privacy lock. Bathtubs and showers are not
required to be accessible if they are not part of the regular office
(C) Areas that are not a
part of the regular office function, such as the kitchen, utility room, and
unused cabinets or clothes closets are not required to be accessible.
(D) One main entry door is required to be
accessible. Secondary exterior doors are not required to be accessible.
Interior doors that are part of the regular office function must be
(E) Appropriate signage
must be provided in all accessible areas, both inside and outside of the
(F) When provided, drinking
fountains, public telephones, furnishings, and similar equipment must be
(G) Accessibility from
the public way up to the main entry door must be provided;
(H) An accessible parking area must be
provided near the main entry.
(2) A portion of a manufactured dwelling may
be used for an in-home business provided:
The business portion of the manufactured dwelling is restricted to one room
only, not including a bathroom, entry, or foyer;
(b) The remainder of the manufactured
dwelling is used as a single-family dwelling by the same person using it as a
(c) The manufactured
dwelling has one 36 inch wide by 80 inch high door exiting to the exterior from
the business portion of the manufactured dwelling;
(d) The type of business and location is
approved by the municipality prior to installation or occupancy;
(e) The business portion of the manufactured
dwelling is accessible to persons with disabilities when the business is open
to the public or has employees other than family members using the business
space; and
(f) The manufactured
dwelling has a certificate of occupancy issued by the municipality prior to
Manufactured dwellings may be used for farm worker housing provided the
manufactured dwelling:
(a) Is located in a
labor camp as defined in OAR chapter 437 and consists of:
(A) Not more than six manufactured dwellings
on a lot, parcel, or aggregation of lots or parcels; or
(B) Four or more manufactured dwellings in a
manufactured dwelling park, a mobile home park, a temporary manufactured
dwelling park, or a combination park.
(b) Is not occupied by more than ten persons
not related by blood or marriage;
(c) Has a maximum of five bedrooms;
(d) Is accessible to persons with
disabilities, if an affected building;
(e) Conforms to the Oregon Occupational
Safety and Health Code, OAR chapter 437; and
(f) Has a certificate of occupancy issued by
the municipality prior to occupancy.
(4) Up to six manufactured dwellings may be
placed on a single lot, parcel, or aggregation of lots or parcels and adjoined
to give the appearance and economy of multi-family housing provided:
(a) Plans showing the adjoined structures are
submitted to and approved by the division to verify compliance with the federal
Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards ( 24 CFR 3280), the federal
Manufactured Home Procedural Regulations ( 24 CFR 3282), the Oregon
Manufactured Dwelling Installation Specialty Code, and these rules;
(b) Land use approval has been granted by the
(c) Division-approved
plans are submitted to and approved by the municipality prior to installation
permits being issued;
(d) Each
manufactured dwelling is used only as a single-family dwelling;
(e) Fire separation is provided at the wall
separating each manufactured dwelling according to the Oregon Residential
Specialty Code;
(f) Adjoined
structures located on the property have fire-resistive protection of exterior
walls and openings according to the Oregon Structural Specialty Code, Sections
602 and 704.8;
(g) Each
manufactured dwelling is structurally independent of an adjacent manufactured
dwelling. However, two manufactured dwellings may be supported by a common
foundation wall adequately sized to support both structures;
(h) Each electrical, plumbing, heating, and
mechanical system within a manufactured dwelling is independent of the systems
within adjacent manufactured dwellings; and
(i) The manufactured dwellings are joined
only by flashing and weather resistant roofing materials.
(5) Manufactured dwellings accommodating not
more than 10 persons may be used as lodging houses, congregate residences,
adult foster homes, or family day care (Group R Occupancies) provided the
manufactured dwelling:
(a) Meets all
applicable requirements of the Oregon Structural Specialty Code;
(b) If an affected building, must be
accessible to persons with disabilities;
(c) Has a minimum of two 36 inch wide by 80
inch high exit doors located remote from each other, exiting to the exterior of
the manufactured dwelling;
(d) Has
a minimum of two bathrooms;
Meets the minimum setback requirements of the Oregon Residential Specialty
(f) Has the occupancy and its
location approved by the municipality prior to installation or occupancy;
(g) Has a certificate of
occupancy issued by the municipality prior to occupancy.
Publications: Publications referenced are available from the
Stat. Auth.: ORS
Stats. Implemented: ORS