Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
(1) Authority for Rule. This rule is
authorized by ORS 479.560, only deals with
electrical master permits and shall not be interpreted as changing any
licensing requirement.
Definitions. For the purpose of this rule:
(a) "Applicant" is an owner, building
operating manager or an electrical contractor of a covered facility who
complies with ORS 479.630;
(b) "Covered Facility" is one or more
industrial plants as defined in OAR
918-251-0090 or any successor
rule; commercial office buildings; buildings owned, leased, managed or operated
by a state or local government entity; or other facilities designated by the
(A) Under common ownership or
operating management;
(B) Located
within the boundaries of the same inspecting jurisdiction; and
(C) Within the same complex or contiguous
lots located at the same geographic site.
(c) "Inspecting Jurisdiction" is the state or
municipality having authority to inspect a covered facility under a master
permit program.
(d) "Master
Permit" is an annual permit issued under ORS
479.560 and these rules by the
inspecting jurisdiction.
(3) Additional Facilities Designated by the
Board. "Covered facilities" also include:
Where only a single building or structure is involved, the grounds and adjacent
facilities under common control or management that make up the complex
containing the building or structure;
(b) Isolated buildings and structures in
multiple sites within the area served by the inspecting jurisdiction that
individually meet the definition of "covered facility" but only when acceptable
by both the inspecting jurisdiction and owner or operating manager; and
(c) Incidental buildings and
structures adjacent or connected to a commercial office building, industrial
plant, government building or building designated by the board, provided the
building or structure is under the same ownership or management as the covered
(4) Scope of
Master Permit Program:
(a) Under ORS
479.540 which allows electrical
master permit for "repair, alteration or replacement of existing electrical
products," an "electrical product replacement" includes installing a product in
place of another that shall not exceed the capacity or design of the existing
electrical system;
(b) The
following do not constitute "repair, alteration or replacement of existing
electrical products" and require a separate permit and inspection:
(A) Electrical installations in a new
building shell, structural retrofits, installation or alteration of load
bearing walls, foundations or exit passageways;
(B) Any electrical installation in connection
with changing the type of use or occupancy classification of the building or
(C) Any addition which
increases the square footage of the building or structure;
(D) Remodeling within an occupied existing
shell which results in:
(i) Vacation of more
than 25 percent of occupants within a floor or building resulting from remodel;
(ii) Termination of a tenant's
usual activities for more than ten working days; or
(iii) Construction that involves more than 25
percent of the contiguous area of any floor.
(E) Electrical installations a part of
construction within a covered facility that also involve a plumbing, structural
or mechanical permit other than a master permit under ORS
(5) Interpretation. Who can use a
master permit:
(a) A master permit shall only
be provided to an electrical contractor, owner or operating manager responsible
for all electrical installations in the whole covered facility;
(b) An owner, electrical contractor or
operating manager of a covered facility can obtain a permit only if
appropriately licensed electricians are to do the work.
(6) Operation of the Master Permit Program:
(a) An applicant electing to have a covered
building inspected under the master permit program shall take out a master
permit with the inspecting jurisdiction and pay required fees;
(b) If applicant is an owner or operating
manager, applicant shall file a roster with the inspecting jurisdiction of all
electricians currently employed by applicant showing name, electrical license
number and type of electrical license, and all electrical contractors whose
work is included under a master permit taken out by the owner or operating
manager. The roster must be filed at the same time as the permit application:
(A) When an electrical contractor under a
continuing retainer ceases to serve the covered facility, notice of termination
shall be filed with the inspecting jurisdiction by the permit holder within ten
working days of termination;
An updated roster shall be available to the inspecting jurisdiction at any
regularly scheduled inspection;
(C) An updated roster shall be filed with the
inspecting jurisdiction at each master permit renewal.
(c) If applicant is an owner, operating
manager or contractor, applicant shall:
Create and keep records of all electrical work done under the master permit,
show the person doing the work, electrical license number, date of work and
have the records available for the electrical inspector at the covered facility
at site or sites agreed to in writing with the inspecting jurisdiction. If
there is no written agreement, each building shall have a record of electrical
work done and of persons employed electrically for that building and its
adjacent facilities;
(B) Set up an
inspection schedule with the inspecting jurisdiction which shall be at least
once a year;
(C) Call for
inspections when necessary under the electrical requirements and not cover
electrical work until an inspection is performed;
(D) Call for immediate inspections, if
applicant chooses to discontinue the electrical master permit program. All
future work must be by separate permit and inspection.
(7) Enforcement. The inspecting
jurisdiction shall:
(a) Report and document
all electrical licensing violations by a person holding an electrical master
permit to the board;
(b) Take
enforcement actions against persons who violate the scope of the master permit
or compliance requirement and report the violations and actions taken to the
board; and
(c) Make inspections at
more frequent intervals to insure that licensing and scope of master permit
requirements are being complied with.
(8) Limited Maintenance Electrician. Work by
a limited maintenance electrician licensed under ORS
479.630 and performed under the
scope of that license can be combined with a master permit program, provided
separate records are kept and there is an annual inspection.
(9) Operations by Electrical Contractors.
Electrical contractors:
(a) Shall be issued a
separate master permit only if the contractor is a general electrical
contractor, has a licensed signing supervisor on staff and is authorized by the
owner or operating manager;
Can work under the master permit of the applicant if the work is recorded
together with the applicant's electrical installations and the work is within
the scope of the contractor's license; and
(c) Shall comply with the applicable
requirements of section (6) of this rule.
(10) Inspection Fees:
(a) A person obtaining a master inspection
permit does not have to pay the normal permit inspection fees of the inspecting
jurisdiction for installations within the scope of the permit. A separate
permit, fees and individual inspections are required for installations outside
the scope of a master permit;
By the Division. Building Codes Division inspection charges are the division's
miscellaneous fee for hourly inspections where no specific fee category is
established, OAR 918-309-0070(5)
and successor rules;
(c) By
Municipalities. Municipal inspection charges shall be the municipality's
miscellaneous fee for hourly inspections where no specific fee category is
(d) A one-time,
set-up fee may be charged by the inspecting jurisdiction when a master permit
is obtained, which shall not exceed $100;
(e) To determine time charges, the "cost of
making the inspection" in ORS
479.560 includes the inspector's
travel time from the inspector's office to return, actual lodging and per diem
expenses as established by the jurisdiction and preparation and review of
reports whether this is done at the plant or at the inspector's office. The
lodging and per diem expenses shall not exceed the standard amounts allowed by
the inspecting jurisdiction.
(11) Delegation Standards. Delegation shall
only be granted to municipalities that also serve essentially the same area
with basic electrical inspection services:
(a) A municipality requesting delegation of
the master permit program shall, in addition to the notice required by ORS
455.148 or
455.150, file an application
prior to January 1 of the year for which delegation is requested and provide:
(A) The number of master permits anticipated
to be issued and the names of electrical inspectors certified to inspect under
the Oregon Electrical Specialty Code who are or will be assigned to the
(B) A master permit
inspection operating plan. Initial applicants, excluding those who were doing
industrial plant inspections under contract with the division on the effective
date of this rule, shall also show what arrangements are to be operational on
July 1;
(C) An agreement with each
surrounding inspecting jurisdiction having covered facilities crossing
municipal boundaries, providing who will inspect each covered facility, if the
facility elects to be inspected under the master permit program. The agreement:
(i) Shall cover all electrical inspections
for the facility;
(ii) May
identify specific facilities but shall also include a method of determining who
shall serve those facilities that become operational or make elections during
the term of the agreement; and
(iii) Shall show how fees will be established
for the complete covered facility that elects to be inspected under the master
permit program.
(D) An
authorization to the division that if the agreement in paragraph (C) of this
subsection fails to include a contingency or method of resolving a contingency
and there is any disagreement between the jurisdictions over who should serve a
complete facility, the division is authorized to immediately assign the
facility to an inspecting jurisdiction as it deems appropriate and that each
will enter into intergovernmental agreements as needed to carry out the
(E) A prototype
agreement with a facility that crosses municipal boundaries covering the terms
and conditions of electrical inspection services unless other arrangements are
made which gives the municipality enforcement and fee setting authority over
the complete facility.
(b) Delegation shall only be granted where it
is affirmatively found that the jurisdiction is clearly able to perform the new
master permit program with no loss of efficiency or effectiveness to its basic
electrical inspection program.
(12) Renewal of Delegation:
(a) Prior to January 1 of any year, when the
municipality applies for renewal of the master permit program, it shall provide
a report of number of master permits issued and number inspected during the
prior calendar year. It shall be granted the delegation automatically if its
basic electrical program is also renewed, unless the division expressly
notifies the municipality to the contrary by April 30;
(b) All notices of discontinuation of the
master permit program shall be filed by the same date shown in subsection (a)
of this section;
(c) All
amendments to the filing made under section (11) of this rule should be filed
as soon as amendments are available, but no later than the date shown in
subsection (a) of this section to allow review by division staff.
Stat. Auth.: ORS
Stats. Implemented: ORS