Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-089-0500 - Final Short List Acknowledgement and Result Publication
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) For the purposes of this section, "acknowledgment" is a finding by the Commission that an electric company's final shortlist of bid responses appears reasonable at the time of acknowledgment and was determined in a manner consistent with the rules in this division.
(2) An electric company must request that the Commission acknowledge the electric company's final shortlist of bids before it may begin negotiations. Acknowledgment of a shortlist has the same legal force and effect as a Commission-acknowledged IRP in any future cost recovery proceeding.
(3) A request for acknowledgement must include, at a minimum, the IE's closing report, the electric company's final shortlist of responsive bids, all sensitivity analyses performed, and a discussion of the consistency between the final shortlist and the electric company's last-acknowledged IRP Action Plan or acknowledged IRP Update.
(4) The Commission will generally issue a decision on the request for acknowledgment within 60 days of receipt of the electric company's filing.
(5) The electric company must make a publicly available filing in the RFP docket providing the average bid score and the average price of a resource on its final shortlist.
(6) Following execution of all contracts resulting from an RFP or cancellation of the RFP, the electric company must provide information, on request, to a bidder about the bidder's bid score.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS Ch. 183, 756, 758, 2016 OL Ch. 28
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 756.040, 758.060, 2016 OL Ch. 28, Sect. 6