Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-089-0300 - Resource Ownership
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) An electric company may submit or allow its affiliates to submit bids in response to the electric company's request for proposals.
(2) An electric company may propose a benchmark bid in response to its RFP to provide a potential cost-based alternative for customers. The electric company may make elements of the benchmark resource owned or secured by the electric company (e.g., site, transmission rights, or fuel arrangements) available for use in third-party bids.
(3) If benchmark bid elements secured by the electric company are not made available to all bidders, it must provide analysis explaining that decision when seeking RFP acknowledgement and recovery of the costs of the resource in rates.
(4) An electric company may consider ownership transfers within an RFP solicitation.
(5) The electric company issuing the RFP must allow independent power producers to submit bids with and without an option to renew, and may not require that bids include an option for transferring ownership of the resource.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS Ch. 183, 756, 758, 2016 OL Ch. 28
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 756.040, 758.060, 2016 Ch. 28, Sect. 6