Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-089-0250 - Design of Requests for Proposals

Universal Citation: OR Admin Rules 860-089-0250

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024

(1) For each resource acquisition, the electric company must prepare a draft request for proposals for review and approval with the Commission, and provide copies of the draft to all parties to the IE selection docket. Prior to filing the draft RFP with the Commission, the electric company must consult with the IE in preparing the RFP and must conduct bidder and stakeholder workshops.

(2) The draft RFP must reflect any RFP elements, scoring methodology, and associated modeling described in the Commission-acknowledged IRP. The electric company's draft RFP must reference and adhere to the specific section of the IRP in which RFP design and scoring is described.

(a) Unless the electric company intends to use an RFP whose design, scoring methodology, and associated modeling process were included as part of the Commission-acknowledged IRP, the electric company must, prior to preparing a draft RFP, develop and file for approval in the electric company's IE selection docket, a proposal for scoring and any associated modeling.

(b) In preparing its proposal, the electric company must consider resource diversity (e.g. with respect to technology, fuel type, resource size, and resource duration).

(3) At a minimum, the draft RFP must include:

(a) Any minimum bidder requirements for credit and capability;

(b) Standard form contracts to be used in acquisition of resources;

(c) Bid evaluation and scoring criteria that are consistent with section (2) of this rule and with OAR 860-089-0400;

(d) Language to allow bidders to negotiate mutually agreeable final contract terms that are different from the standard form contracts;

(e) Description of how the electric company will share information about bid scores, including what information about the bid scores and bid ranking may be provided to bidders and when and how it will be provided;

(f) Bid evaluation and scoring criteria for selection of the initial shortlist of bidders and for selection of the final shortlist of bidders consistent with the requirements of OAR 860-089-0400.

(g) The alignment of the electric company's resource need addressed by the RFP with an identified need in an acknowledged IRP or subsequently identified need or change in circumstances with good cause shown; and

(h) The impact of any applicable multi-state regulation on RFP development, including the requirements imposed by other states for the RFP process; and

(4) An electric company may set a minimum resource size in the draft RFP, but it must allow qualifying facilities that exceed the eligibility cap for standard avoided cost pricing to participate as bidders.

(5) The Commission may approve the RFP with any conditions it deems necessary, upon a finding that the electric company has complied with the provisions of these rules and that the draft RFP will result in a fair and competitive bidding process.

(6) The Commission will generally issue a decision approving or disapproving the draft RFP within 80 days after the draft RFP is filed. An electric company may request an alternative review period when it files the draft RFP for approval including a request for expedited review upon a showing of good cause. Any person may request an extension of the review period of up to 30 days upon a showing of good cause.

Statutory/Other Authority: ORS Ch. 183, 756, 758, 2016 OL Ch. 28

Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 756.040, 758060, 2016 OL Ch. 28, Sect. 6

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