Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-089-0200 - Engaging an Independent Evaluator
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Prior to issuing an RFP, an electric company must engage the services of an IE to oversee the competitive bidding process. The electric company must notify all parties to the electric company's most recent general rate case, RFP, and IRP dockets of its need for an IE, and solicit input from these parties and interested persons regarding potential IE candidates.
(2) The electric company must file a request for Commission approval to engage an IE. The Commission Staff will review the request and recommend an IE to the Commission based in part on the consideration of:
(3) The electric company is responsible for engaging the services of the IE and is responsible for all fees and expenses associated with engaging the IE's services. The electric company may request recovery of fees and expenses associated with engaging an IE in customer rates.
(4) The electric company's contract with the IE must require that the IE fulfills its duties under these rules and that the IE confers as necessary with the Commission and Commission Staff on the IE's duties.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS Ch. 183, 756, 758, 2016 OL Ch. 28
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 756.040, 758.080, 2016 OL Ch. 28, Sect. 6