Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-037-0630 - Use of Deferred Accounting as it Applies to Wastewater Operations by Wastewater Utilities
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Definitions: The following definitions shall be used in this rule:
(2) Expiration: Any authorization to use a deferred account expires 12 months from the date the deferral is authorized to begin. If a deferral under ORS 757.259is reauthorized, the reauthorization expires 12 months from the date the reauthorization becomes effective.
(3) Contents of Application: Application for deferred accounting by a wastewater utility, a ratepayer, or other applicant shall include:
(4) Reauthorization: Application for reauthorization to use a deferred account shall be made not more than 60 days prior to the expiration of the previous authorization for the deferral. Application for reauthorization shall include the requirements set forth in subsections (3)(a) through (3)(e) of this rule and, in addition, the following information:
(5) Exceptions: Authorization under ORS 757.259 to use a deferred account is necessary only to add amounts to an account, not to retain an existing account balance and not to amortize amounts which have been entered in an account under an authorization by the Commission. Interest, once authorized to accrue on unamortized balances in an account, may be added to the account without further authorization by the Commission, even though authorization to add other amounts to an account has expired.
(6) Notice of Application: The applicant shall serve a notice of application upon all persons who were parties in the wastewater utility's last general rate case. If the applicant is other than a wastewater utility, the applicant shall serve a copy of the application upon the affected wastewater utility. A notice of application shall include:
(7) Public Meetings: Unless otherwise ordered by the Commission, applications for use of deferred accounting will be considered at the Commission's public meetings.
(8) Reply comments: Within 10 days of the due date for comments on the application from interested persons, the applicant and the wastewater utility, if the wastewater utility is not the applicant, may file reply comments with the Commission. Those comments shall be served on persons who have filed the initial comments on the application.
(9) Amortization: Amortization in rates of a deferred amount shall only be allowed in a proceeding, whether initiated by the wastewater utility or another party. The Commission may authorize amortization of such amounts only for wastewater utility expenses or revenues for which the Commission previously has authorized deferred accounting. Upon request for amortization of a deferred account, the wastewater utility shall provide the Commission with its financial results for a 12-month period or for multiple 12-month periods to allow the Commission to perform an earnings review. The period selected for the earnings review encompasses all or part of the period during which the deferral took place or must be reasonably representative of the period of deferral. Unless authorized by the Commission to do otherwise:
Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, 756 & 757
Stats. Implemented: ORS 756.040, 756.105, 757.005, 757.061 & 757.259