Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-036-1510 - Required Notices for Involuntary Disconnection
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Except as provided in sections (4) and (5) of this rule, the water utility must provide the customer with two written notices in advance of disconnection: a 15-calendar day disconnection notice and a 7-calendar day disconnection notice.
(2) The 15-calendar day and 7-calendar day disconnection notices under this rule must be printed in bold face type and use plain, simple language. The notices must:
(3) If the disconnection notice is for nonpayment, the notice must also:
(4) Only one written 7-calendar day disconnection notice is required if the customer:
(5) A water utility may disconnect a customer without issuing either a 15-calendar day or 7 calendar day disconnection notice if the customer has been informed of but fails to comply with a water use restriction imposed under OAR 860-036-1670.
(6) All disconnection notices under this rule must comply with OAR 860-036-1550 relating to the disconnection of service to tenants, and OAR 860-036-1120 relating to the designated representatives.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, 756, 757
Stats. Implemented: ORS 756.040