Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-034-0050 - Multilingual Notices
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) A small telecommunications utility shall provide a multilingual disconnect notice when 5 percent or 500 customers, whichever is the lesser, have requested such a notice.
(2) Disconnect notices as required in section (1) of this rule shall contain the following information translated into the requested languages:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Your telephone services will be shut off due to an unpaid balance on your account. You must act immediately to avoid shutoff. Important information about how you can avoid shutoff is printed in English in the enclosed notice. If you cannot understand English, please find someone to translate the notice. If translation assistance is unavailable, please contact (name) at (phone number) who will try to help you. Information on customer's rights and responsibilities printed in this language is also available by calling that number. YOU MUST ACT NOW TO AVOID SHUTOFF.
(3) The Commission may grant a waiver of the multilingual notice requirement under OAR 860-034-0010(1), for a period not to exceed two calendar years, if the small telecommunications utility shows that it Oregon customers would not benefit from such notice. The small telecommunications utility may request a waiver of the multilingual notice every two years.
(4) The Commission will translate a consumer's rights and responsibilities summary into the following non-English languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Laotian, and Russian. The Commission will provide copies to a small telecommunications utility upon request.
(5) The small telecommunications utility shall record all requests and promptly mail the requested version of the summary to the consumer.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 183, 756 & 759
Stats. Implemented: ORS 756.040 & 759.030