Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 860-027-0400 - Integrated Resource Plan and Clean Energy Plan Filing, Review, and Update
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Scope and Applicability: This rule applies to investor-owned energy utilities. Upon application by an entity subject to this rule and for good cause shown, the Commission may relieve it of any obligation under this rule.
(3) An energy utility must file an IRP within two years of its previous IRP acknowledgment order or as otherwise directed by the Commission. If the energy utility does not intend to take any significant resource action for at least two years after its next IRP is due, the energy utility may request an extension of its filing date from the Commission. An electric company subject to ORS 469A.415 must explain how it will make continual progress toward towards meeting the clean energy targets in ORS 469A.410 during the period of extension when making a request.
(4) An electric company that is subject to ORS 469A.415 must file a CEP with the Commission concurrently with an IRP filing required under Section (3) of this rule and in the same docket. If filing the CEP concurrently with the IRP would create an undue burden or a significant issue impacting IRP or CEP review exists, the electric company may file a written request to the Commission to extend the filing date for the CEP up to 180 days after the IRP filing date. If the Commission grants an extension for filing the CEP, it may establish an alternate schedule for a utility presentation and comments under Sections (6) and (7) below.
(5) The CEP must be written in language that is as clear and simple as possible, with the goal that it may be understood by non-expert members of the public. The CEP must contain the information required by ORS 469A.415 and present annual goals for actions that balance expected costs and associated risks and uncertainties for the utility and its customers, including a demonstration of making continual progress toward meeting the clean energy targets, the pace of greenhouse gas emissions reductions, and community impacts and benefits.
(6) The energy utility must present the results of its filed IRP, and, when applicable, its CEP, to the Commission at a public meeting prior to the deadline for written public comment.
(7) Commission staff and parties must file their comments and recommendations, and, when applicable, their CEP comments and recommendations, generally within six months of IRP filing. If the CEP is not filed with the IRP, Commission staff and parties must file their comments and recommendations generally within six months of CEP filing.
(8) The Commission must consider comments and recommendations on an energy utility's IRP, and, when applicable, CEP, at a public meeting before issuing an order on acknowledgment. Except as provided in section (9), the Commission may provide the energy utility an opportunity to revise the IRP before issuing an acknowledgment order.
(9) For an electric company that is subject to ORS 469A.415, the Commission will issue an order memorializing its decision on acknowledgment for the CEP, which may be combined with the IRP acknowledgment order. The Commission may provide the electric company an opportunity to revise the IRP or CEP or both before issuing an acknowledgment order. The Commission may, at its discretion, take one of the following actions for the CEP portion of the acknowledgement order:
(10) The Commission may provide direction to an energy utility regarding any additional analyses or actions that the energy utility should undertake in its next IRP, and, when applicable, its CEP.
(11) Each energy utility must submit an annual update on its most recently acknowledged IRP. The update is due on or before the acknowledgment order anniversary date. The energy utility must summarize the annual update at a Commission public meeting. The energy utility may request acknowledgment of changes, identified in its update, to the IRP action plan. The annual update is an informational filing that:
(12) As soon as an energy utility anticipates a significant deviation from its acknowledged IRP, or, where applicable, its CEP, it must file an update with the Commission, unless the energy utility is within six months of filing its next IRP. This update must meet the requirements set forth in section (11) of this rule.
(13) If the energy utility requests Commission acknowledgement of its proposed changes to the action plan contained in its acknowledged IRP, or, where applicable, its CEP:
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 183, ORS 756.040 & ORS 757.262
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 756.040 & ORS 757.262