Oregon Administrative Rules
Division 7 - ADVERTISING
Section 845-007-0020 - Restrictions
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) The Commission prohibits advertising if it contains:
(2) The Commission prohibits any advertising of the promotional practices that are prohibited under OAR 845-006-0345(10).
(3) Outside the licensed premises, the Commission prohibits advertising of an alcoholic beverage for on-premises consumption where the expressed or implied meaning is that a customer, in order to receive a reduced price, would be required to purchase more than one drink at a time, such as "two for the price of one", "buy one - get one free", or "two for $_____".
(4) Advertising is considered "outside the licensed premises" if the advertising is visible or audible from the outside, including advertising on a website or on a telephone answering machine recording. Responding via email or telephone to a question from a member of the public is not considered advertising and thus is allowed.
(5) The Commission prohibits advertising that violates OAR 845-015-0175 (Advertising by a Retail Sales Agent).
(6) The Commission prohibits manufacturers and wholesalers from giving retailers point-of-sale items and advertising that the financial assistance laws prohibit (ORS 471.398 and 471.400 and OAR 845-013-0050).
Stat. Auth.: ORS 471, 471.030 & 471.730(1) & (5)
Stats. Implemented: ORS 471.730(7)