Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 845-025-3210 - Marijuana Processors - Endorsements
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) A processor may only process and sell cannabinoid edible, topical, concentrates or extracts if the processor has received an endorsement from the Commission for that type of processing activity. Endorsements types are:
(2) Industrial Hemp processor. A processor may only process industrial hemp items if the processor licensee has received an industrial hemp processor endorsement.
(3) A processor may only process a hemp item or marijuana item containing an artificially derived cannabinoid that is allowed under OAR 845-025-1310.
(4) An applicant must request an endorsement upon submission of an initial application but may also request to add or remove an endorsement at any time following licensure.
(5) To apply for an endorsement, an applicant or processor licensee must submit:
(6) Only one application and license fee is required regardless of how many endorsements an applicant or licensee requests or at what time the request is made.
(7) An individual processor licensee may hold multiple endorsements.
(8) For the purposes of endorsements any cannabinoid product that is intended to be consumed or ingested orally or applied in the mouth is considered a cannabinoid edible.
(9) If a processor is no longer going to process the product for which the processor is endorsed, the processor must notify the Commission in writing and provide the date on which the processing of that product will cease.
(10) The Commission may deny a processor's request for an endorsement or revoke an existing endorsement if the processor cannot or does not meet the requirements in OAR 845-025-3200 to 845-025-3290 for the endorsement that is requested. If the Commission denies or revokes approval the processor has a right to a hearing under the procedures of ORS chapter 183.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 475C.017 & 475C.085
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 475C.161 & 571.336