Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 845-025-1180 - Change of Location
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) For the purposes of this rule, "change of location" means a transfer of a license or laboratory license from the premises for which the license or laboratory license is currently issued to another premises that does not include any part of the premises for which the license or laboratory license is currently issued.
(2) To request a change of location, a licensee or laboratory licensee must submit:
(3) A licensee or laboratory licensee who requests a change of location does not need to submit information and fingerprints required for a criminal background check if there are no changes to the individuals listed on the initial application.
(4) If a licensee or laboratory licensee loses access to the licensed premises, the Commission may allow the licensee or laboratory licensee to change location if:
(5) The licensee or laboratory licensee may not begin engaging in activities that require a license in the new location prior to the Commission approving a change of location request.
(6) The Commission shall review a change of location request to determine if it is complete. A request may be considered incomplete if an application form is not complete, the fee specified in OAR 845-025-1060 has not been paid, or some or all of the additional information required under these rules is not submitted.
(7) The Commission may deny a change of location request for any of the reasons that it may deny a license under OAR 845-025-1115. If the Commission denies a change of location request, the licensee or laboratory licensee has a right to a hearing under the procedures of ORS chapter 183.
(8) The Commission will refuse to process a change of location request submitted by:
(9) The Commission may allow a marijuana retailer to change its location if the Commission becomes aware that a school established prior to issuance of the license is located within 1,000 feet of the retailer's premises. The retailer must submit a change of location request as described in this rule.
(10) Violations. A violation of this rule is a Category II violation.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 475C.017
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 475C.037, 475C.045, 475C.548, 2022 OL Ch. 117 Sec. 3