Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) The
Commission must deny an initial or renewal application if:
(a) An applicant is under the age of
(b) The applicant's land use
compatibility statement shows that the proposed land use is prohibited in the
applicable zone, if a land use compatibility statement is required.
(c) The proposed licensed premises is
(A) Outside of the State of
(B) On federal
(C) On reservation or
tribal trust land of a federally recognized Indian tribe unless that tribe has
entered into an agreement with the State of Oregon which allows licensing of
recreational marijuana businesses.
(d) The proposed licensed premises of a
processor who has applied for an endorsement to process extracts is located in
an area that is zoned exclusively for residential use.
(e) The proposed licensed premises of a
retail applicant is located:
(A) Except as
provided in ORS 475C.101, within 1,000 feet of:
(i) A public elementary or secondary school
for which attendance is compulsory under ORS
339.020; or
(ii) A private or parochial elementary or
secondary school, teaching children as described in ORS
(B) In an area that is zoned exclusively for
residential use.
(f) The
proposed licensed premises of a wholesaler applicant is in an area zoned
exclusively for residential use.
(g) A city or county has prohibited the
license type for which the applicant is applying, in accordance with ORS
(2) The Commission may deny an initial or
renewal application, unless the applicant shows good cause to overcome the
denial criteria, if the Commission has reasonable cause to believe that:
(a) The applicant:
(A) Is in the habit of using alcoholic
beverages, habit-forming drugs, marijuana, or controlled substances to
(B) Has made false
statements to the Commission.
Is incompetent or physically unable to carry on the management of the
establishment proposed to be licensed.
(D) Is not of good repute and moral
(E) Does not have a good
record of compliance with ORS
475C.005 to
475C.525 or these rules, prior
to or after licensure, including but not limited to:
(i) The giving away of marijuana items as a
prize, premium or consideration for a lottery, contest, game of chance or
skill, or competition of any kind, in violation of ORS
(ii) Providing marijuana items to an
individual without checking that the individual is 21 years of age or
(iii) Unlicensed transfer of
marijuana items for financial consideration; or
(iv) Violations of local ordinances adopted
under ORS 475C.449, pending or adjudicated
by the local government that adopted the ordinance.
(F) Does not have a good record of compliance
with ORS chapter 471 or any rules adopted thereunder.
(G) Is not possessed of or has not
demonstrated financial responsibility sufficient to adequately meet the
requirements of the business proposed to be licensed.
(H) Is unable to understand the laws of this
state related to marijuana or these rules. This may be demonstrated by
violations documented by the Oregon Health Authority.
(I) For license renewal, has not submitted
all fees, forms, documents, and information required to act on the renewal
application within the time period prescribed by the Commission.
(J) Has, or previously had, an unapproved
ownership interest in a license issued by the Commission other than as provided
in OAR 845-025-1165.
(K) Has diverted marijuana to the interstate
market or an illicit market or has diverted resources to a criminal
(L) Has introduced into
the marijuana industry regulated under ORS
475C.005 to
475C.525 cannabinoids or
marijuana not produced or processed by a licensee and not tracked in the system
developed and maintained under ORS
(M) Has operated as a hemp grower registered
or licensed under ORS
571.281 and grown cannabis that
was found to be presumptively marijuana under OAR
(b) Any individual listed on the application
has been convicted of violating a general or local law of this state or another
state, or of violating a federal law, if the conviction is substantially
related to the fitness and ability of the applicant to lawfully carry out
activities under the license, except as specified in ORS
The Commission may consider factors set forth in section (8) of this rule to
determine if this refusal basis is supported or overcome.
(c) Any applicant is not the legitimate owner
of the business proposed to be licensed, or other persons have an ownership
interest in the business have not been disclosed to the Commission.
(d) The business proposed to be licensed is
(A) At the same physical location or
address as a premises licensed under ORS chapter 471 or as a retail liquor
agent appointed by the Commission;
(B) At the same location as a producer,
retailer, processor, wholesaler, or laboratory license, unless the licenses are
of different types and all of the licenses at the location are held or sought
by identical applicants. For the purpose of this paragraph, "at the same
location" means that any area of the proposed licensed premises is within the
licensed premises of another license;
(C) At the same address as a producer,
retailer, processor, wholesaler, or laboratory license, unless the licenses are
of different types and all of the licenses at the location or address are held
or sought by identical applicants; or
(D) At the same physical location as a
premises licensed under ORS
475A.290 or
(e) The location proposed to be licensed is
prohibited under OAR 845-025-1230.
(f) The proposed licensed premises of a
producer applicant is on the same tax lot as another producer licensee under
common ownership.
(g) The proposed
licensed premises of a producer is located on the same tax lot as a site
registered with Oregon Department of Agriculture for the production of
industrial hemp, unless the applicant submits and the Commission approves a
control plan describing how the registered site shall be separated from the
premises proposed to be licensed and how the applicant shall prevent transfer
of industrial hemp to the licensed premises.
(h) The applicant proposed to be licensed
does not have access to the proposed license premises.
(i) The proposed licensed premises of the
producer applicant is on the same tax lot as another producer licensee and the
presence of multiple producers on the same tax lot creates a risk of
non-compliance with any of these rules.
(j) The applicant is a business entity that
is required to be registered with the Oregon Secretary of State but has failed
to register.
(3) The
Commission may refuse to issue a license to any license applicant or refuse to
renew the license of any licensee or laboratory licensee when conditions exist
in relation to any person having a financial interest in the business or in the
place of business which would constitute grounds for refusing to issue a
license or for revocation or suspension of a license if such person were the
license applicant, licensee, or laboratory licensee.
(a) The
Commission may deny any initial or renewal application and may revoke any
license if medical marijuana items are produced, processed, stored, sold, or
transported, to or from the same address or location of licensed business or
business proposed to be licensed.
(b) The Commission will not deny an initial
application under this subsection if:
(A) The
applicant surrenders any registration issued by the Authority for the address
or location of the business proposed to be licensed;
(B) If applicable, the applicant notifies all
other growers registered by the Authority at the location or address proposed
to be licensed, in a form and manner prescribed by the Commission, that the
grower is no longer permitted to produce medical marijuana at the address or
location proposed to be licensed, and must surrender their registration at that
address or location; and
(C) All
medical marijuana activity at the location or address proposed to be licensed
ceases prior to being issued an OLCC license.
(5) If the Commission denies an application
because an applicant submitted false or misleading information to the
Commission, the Commission may prohibit the applicant from re-applying for five
(6) The Commission may
revoke a license for any of the reasons that it may deny a license.
(7) A notice of denial must be issued in
accordance with ORS 183.
Factors that may support or overcome license denial pursuant to subsection
(2)(b) of this rule. These factors may have occurred before or after the
incident or incidents that are relevant to the specific criterion. The factors
may be weighed in favor of the applicant, weighed against the applicant, or
weighed neither for nor against the applicant.
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this
(A) "Administrative violation"
means an administrative agency has taken a final action finding that an
individual, or a legal entity that the individual is part of, violated a
regulation of that administrative agency.
(B) "Compliance risk factors" means factors
that show the individual's tendency to disobey laws, rules, and regulations;
including but not limited to probation and parole violations, non-relevant
convictions, and administrative violations.
(C) "Relevant conviction" means a conviction,
other than those listed in ORS
that involved violence or the threat of violence; dishonesty or deception;
drugs, alcohol, or other regulated substances; or a conviction as a felon in
possession of a weapon.
"Successful treatment" means:
(i) The
Commission receives written confirmation from the individual's licensed
treatment provider that the individual completed treatment that is related to a
relevant conviction and the Commission has determined that the individual has
not had another conviction for a similar incident since the completion of the
treatment; or
(ii) The individual
is still in a treatment program that is related to a relevant conviction;
however, the Commission receives written confirmation from the individual's
licensed treatment provider that the individual has demonstrated sufficient
success towards stopping the behavior that led to the conviction and the
Commission has determined that the individual has not had another conviction
for a similar incident since the date the provider determined that the
individual demonstrated sufficient success towards stopping the behavior that
led to the conviction.
(b) Upon the Commission's determination that
a basis to refuse the application has been established under this criterion,
the Commission may consider the following factors and may consider other
factors, depending on the facts of the case:
(A) Passage of time, whichever date is later:
(i) Since the date of the most recent
incident that led to a relevant conviction, but not counting time spent
incarcerated or other factors the Commission determines affect the passage of
time; or
(ii) Since the date of the
most recent compliance risk factor, but not counting time spent incarcerated or
other factors the Commission determines affect the passage of time.
(B) Compliance risk
(C) Successful
(D) The severity of the
individual's relevant conviction record as shown by the number of convictions,
whether a conviction was a felony or non-felony, and whether a conviction
involved violence or the manufacture or delivery of controlled
(E) The individual's
record of compliance with the Commission.
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS
475C.950 &