Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 839-006-0130 - Injured Worker Reinstatement Under ORS 659A.043
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) An employer with 21 or more employees at the time of a worker's on-the-job injury or at the time an injured worker demands reinstatement to the former position must reinstate the worker to the worker's former position if:
(2) If the former position exists but is not available (due to seniority or other employment restrictions contained in a valid collective bargaining agreement that the injured worker does not meet; see subsection (8) of this rule), the employer must offer the injured worker a vacant, suitable position.
(3) At the time of the injured worker's demand for reinstatement, if the worker's former position no longer exists and no other position exists that is vacant and suitable, the injured worker must follow the employer's reporting policy until the employer offers the worker the former position or a vacant, suitable position. The employer's reporting policy must be written, non-discriminatory and effectively made known to the employer's work force. If the employer has no such reporting policy, the employer may require the injured worker to inform the employer of any change in address and telephone number within ten days of the change, provided the employer gives prior written notice of this requirement to the injured worker.
(4) A certificate by the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner that the attending physician or authorized nurse practitioner approves the worker's return to the worker's regular employment or other suitable employment shall be prima facie evidence that the worker is able to perform such duties.
(5) The injured worker must make demand for reinstatement to the former position according to the employer's written policy effectively made known to the employer's workforce. If the employer has no such policy, the injured worker's demand:
(6) Extenuating circumstances may, in very rare instances, extend the time allowed for timely demand for reinstatement.
(7) When the injured worker has not made demand for reinstatement to the former position because the employer has made it known to the worker that reinstatement will not be considered, even if a suitable position is vacant, and that an actual demand would therefore be futile, the division will deem the worker to have made timely demand.
(8) The right of reinstatement is guaranteed by ORS 659A.043. Conditions of reinstatement are subject to seniority and other employment restrictions contained in a valid collective bargaining agreement.
(9) If the injured worker's former position no longer exists, and there is no vacant, suitable position, the employer has no obligation to create a position for a returning injured worker. If the employer creates such a position, the position may be discontinued at any time.
(10) Except as provided in these rules, an injured worker has no greater right to a position or other employment benefit than if the worker had not been injured.
(11) The duty under ORS 659A.043 to reinstate an injured worker to the worker's former position extends to a successor employer to the worker's employer at the time of injury. Determining whether a respondent is a successor employer involves a nine-part test. Not every element of the test need be present to find an employer to be a successor; the facts must be considered together to reach a determination:
Stat. Auth.: ORS 659A.805
Stats. Implemented: ORS 659A.043