Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 839-001-0470 - Penalty for Failure to Pay Wages on Termination of Employment
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) When an employer willfully fails to pay all or part of the wages due and payable to the employee upon termination of employment within the time specified in OAR 839-001-0420, 839-001-0430 and 839-001-0440, the employer will be subject to the following penalty:
(2) If the employer pays the full amount of unpaid wages within 12 calendar days after the written notice of such unpaid wages is sent by the employee or a person on behalf of the employee, the penalty may not exceed 100 percent of the employee's unpaid wages.
(3) Additional actual wages owed to an employee in any pay period for which the employer has timely paid the employee any estimated wages due and payable in compliance with OAR 839-001-0420(3)(b) are not considered unpaid wages subject to the penalty provisions of section (1) of this rule unless the employer fails to pay the employee the additional actual wages owed for such pay period within the time required under OAR 839-001-0420(3)(c).
(4) In addition to any other penalty provided by law, the Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor and Industries may assess a civil penalty not to exceed $1000 against any person who violates ORS 652.140 and 652.145 or any rule adopted pursuant thereto.
(5) When an employer shows that it was financially unable to pay the wages at the time the wages accrued, the employer will not be subject to the penalty provided for in OAR 839-001-0470. If an employer continues to operate a business or chooses to pay certain debts and obligations in preference to an employee's wages, there is no financial inability.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 652.165
Stats. Implemented: ORS 652.150