Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 836-080-0640 - Information to Be Included in Initial Privacy Notice
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) This rule implements the requirement of the initial notice under OAR 836-080-0620, describes the contents of the initial notice and provides examples of categories of information required in the notice.
(2) The following are examples of categories of nonpublic personal financial information collected by a licensee. A licensee satisfies the requirement of categorizing the nonpublic personal financial information it collects if the licensee categorizes it according to the source of the information, including, for example:
(3) The following are examples of categories of nonpublic personal financial information disclosed by a licensee:
(4) The following are examples for describing categories of affiliated and nonaffiliated third parties to which a licensee discloses nonpublic personal financial information:
(5) A privacy notice shall include an explanation of the consumer's right under OAR 836-080-0675 to opt out of the disclosure of nonpublic personal financial information to nonaffiliated third parties, including the method by which the consumer may exercise that right at that time. The following are examples of disclosures under the exception for joint marketers under 836-080-0675. If a licensee discloses nonpublic personal financial information under the exception in 836-080-0675 to a nonaffiliated third party to market products or services that it offers alone or jointly with another financial institution, the licensee satisfies the applicable disclosure requirement of this rule if the licensee:
(6) If a licensee does not disclose nonpublic personal financial information about customers or former customers to affiliates or nonaffiliated third parties except as authorized under OAR 836-080-0670 and 836-080-0675, the licensee may simply state that fact, in addition to the information it is required to provide under 836-080-0615(3) (a), (h), (i) and (j) and (4).
(7) A licensee describes its policies and practices relating to protection of the confidentiality and security of personal information if it does both of the following:
(8) An abbreviated notice authorized by OAR 836-080-0615(3) must include in full the elements of the notice required by the federal Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 for the purpose of compliance with that law and shall also include the information referred to in section (5) of this rule and in 836-080-0615(3). The licensee shall deliver its abbreviated notice according to 836-080-0660. The licensee is not required to deliver its privacy notice with its abbreviated notice. The licensee instead may provide the consumer a reasonable means to obtain its privacy notice as described in 836-080-0660. If a consumer who receives the licensee's abbreviated notice requests the licensee's privacy notice, the licensee shall deliver its privacy notice according to 836-080-0660.
(9) A licensee's initial privacy notice may include any of the following:
Stat. Auth.: ORS 731.244 & 746.608
Stats. Implemented: ORS 746.600 & 746.607