Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 836-060-0011 - Rights and Treatment of Debtors
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Multiple Plans of Insurance. If a creditor makes available to debtors more than one plan of credit life insurance or more than one plan of credit health insurance, the creditor must inform each debtor of all such plans.
(2) Substitution. When a creditor requires credit life insurance, credit health insurance or both as additional security for an indebtedness, the creditor shall give the debtor the option of furnishing the required amount of insurance through existing policies of insurance owned or controlled by the debtor, or of procuring and furnishing the required coverage through any insurer authorized to transact insurance in this state. The debtor shall be informed by the creditor before the transaction is completed of this right to provide alternative coverage.
(3) Evidence of Coverage. All credit insurance shall be evidenced by an individual policy or, in the case of group insurance, by a certificate of insurance. The policy or certificate shall be delivered to the debtor in accordance with ORS 743.377, and shall set forth the information required by 743.377 and other provisions of the Insurance Code.
(4) Claims Processing. All credit insurance claims shall be processed in accordance with ORS 743.380.
(5) Claim Standards. The following requirements apply to claims:
(6) Termination of Group Credit Insurance Policy:
(7) Interest on Premiums. If a creditor adds identifiable insurance charges or premiums for credit insurance to an indebtedness, and any direct or indirect finance, carrying, credit or service charge is made to the debtor on such insurance charges or premiums, the creditor shall remit and the insurer shall collect the insurance charges or premiums within 60 days after they are added to the indebtedness.
(8) Renewal or Refinancing of Indebtedness. If an indebtedness is discharged because of renewal or refinancing prior to the scheduled maturity date, the insurance in force shall be terminated before any new insurance may be issued in connection with the renewed or refinanced indebtedness. In all such cases of termination prior to scheduled maturity, a refund shall be paid or credited to the debtor as provided in OAR 836-060-0036. In the renewal or refinancing of the indebtedness, the effective date of the insurance coverage with respect to any policy provision shall be considered to be the first date on which the debtor became insured under the policy covering the indebtedness which was renewed or refinanced, at least to the extent of the amount and term of the indebtedness outstanding at the time of the renewal or refinancing of the debt.
(9) Maximum Aggregate Provisions. A provision in an individual policy or a group certificate that sets a maximum limit on total payments shall apply only to that individual policy or group certificate.
(10) Voluntary Prepayment of Indebtedness. If a debtor prepays the indebtedness other than as a result of a death payment or a lump-sum disability payment:
(11) Involuntary Prepayment of Indebtedness. If an indebtedness is prepaid by the proceeds of a credit life insurance policy or by a lump-sum payment of a disability claim under a credit insurance policy covering the debtor, it shall be the responsibility of the insurer that the following are paid to the insured debtor, if living, or to the beneficiary, other than the creditor, named by the debtor, or to the debtor's estate:
(12) Amounts insured. The following types of insurance must provide benefits as follows:
(13) Participation. No group policy shall contain a minimum participation percentage.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 731.244
Stats. Implemented: ORS 743.376-743.378, 743.380, 746.220 & 746.240