Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 836-014-0270 - Standards for Evaluation of Reasonable Payments; Definition of "Terminal Illness or Condition"
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) If the insured is terminally ill or chronically ill, payments under life settlement contracts must be fair and equitable and may not in any event be less than the following: Insured's Life Expectancy - Minimum Percentage of Face Value Less Outstanding Loans Received by Policyholder or Certificate Holder
(2) If the insured is chronically ill, payments under life settlement contracts must be fair and equitable and may not in any event be less than the following: Insured's Life Expectancy - Minimum Percentage of Face Value Less Outstanding Loans Received by Policyholder or Certificate Holder
(3) If the insured is not terminally ill or chronically ill, the owner must receive a reasonable return for entering into a life settlement agreement. The life settlement contract shall not provide a payment to the insured that is unreasonable or unjust. In determining whether a payment is unreasonable or unjust, the Director may consider the following factors:
(4) A payment may be reduced by the minimum premium required under sections (1) or (2) of this rule to keep the contract in force for the duration of the remaining life expectancy of the life that is the subject of the life settlement contract. The minimum premium includes any premiums payable for additional benefits retained at the option of the policyholder or certificate holder. Other than this allowable reduction in payment, there shall be no other retention for expenses or broker's fees that would reduce payments below the minimum levels established in sections (1) or (2) of this rule.
(5) The estimated life expectancy of an insured person must be determined according to sound actuarial principles or other sound methodology acceptable to the director.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 744.358
Stats. Implemented: ORS 744.338, 744.358