Oregon Administrative Rules
Division 100 - CODE OF ETHICS
Section 833-100-0021 - Responsibility
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
Licensees, registered associates, persons granted temporary practice authorization, and applicants must:
(1) Abide by the Code of Ethics and all applicable statutes and administrative rules regulating the practice of counseling or therapy or any other applicable laws, including, but not limited to, the reporting of abuse of children or vulnerable adults.
(2) Report to the Board within 30 days any civil lawsuit brought against the licensee, registered associate, temporary practitioner, or applicant that relates in any way to the licensee, registered associate, temporary practitioner, or applicant's professional conduct and notifies the Board of any disciplinary action or loss of a mental health professional or state license, certification, or registration.
(3) File a complaint with the Board within 10 days when the licensee, registered associate, temporary practitioner, or applicant has reason to believe that another licensee, registered associate, temporary practitioner, or applicant is or has been engaged in conduct that violates law or rules adopted by the Board. This requirement to file a complaint does not apply when the belief is based on information obtained in the course of a professional relationship with a client who is the other counselor or therapist. In that case, the client-therapist confidentiality supersedes the licensee or registered associate's requirement to report the other therapist. However, this does not relieve a licensee or registered associate from the duty to file any reports required by law concerning abuse of children or vulnerable adults.
(4) Not initiate, participate in, or encourage the filing of ethics complaints that are unwarranted or intended to harm a counselor/therapist rather than to protect clients or the public.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 675.785 - 675.835 & ORS 676.160 - 676.180
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 675.785 - 675.835