Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 737-010-0000 - Definitions Relating to Low-Speed Vehicles and Medium-Speed Electric Vehicles
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
As used in division 10 rules and Chapter 865, Oregon Laws 2009, the following definitions apply:
(1) "CFR" means Code of Federal Regulations and, unless otherwise expressly identified, refers to revision 63 FR 33216, June 17, 1998, as amended at 68 FR 43972, July 25, 2003.
(2) "Crushproof body design" means the vehicle has been certified by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration that the vehicle is in compliance with FMVSS No. 216 Roof crush resistance;
(3) "TSO" means the Transportation Safety Office of the Oregon Department of Transportation;
(4) "Enclosed" means a complete shell comprised of a top, bottom and sides meant to protect the vehicle and occupants;
(5) "FMVSS" means Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and Regulations as specified by NHTSA under 49 CFR, Part 571 ;
(6) "Low-speed vehicle" means a four wheeled motor vehicle with a top speed of more than 20 miles per hour but not more than 25 miles per hour.
(7) "Medium-speed electric vehicle" means an electric motor vehicle with four wheels that is equipped with a roll cage or a crushproof body design, can attain a maximum speed of 35 miles per hour on a paved, level surface, is fully enclosed and has at least one door for entry;
(8) "NHTSA" means the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
(9) "Open-body type vehicle" means a vehicle having no occupant compartment doors and/or top or a vehicle having readily detachable occupant compartment doors and/or top; and
(10) "Roll cage" is an enclosure that will support the vehicle's weight and be so designed as to protect the occupants when the vehicle is resting on this enclosure.
Publications: Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619, 802.010, 815.010, 815.030 & 2009 OL Ch 865
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 815.010, 815.030 & 2009 OL Ch 865