Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 736-019-0120 - Working with Other Parties
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
The Department may collaborate on land acquisitions with other parties, including county governments, state and federal agencies, non-profit organizations, private corporations, landowners, and private land trusts. It is the policy of the Department to seek out and engage in land acquisition collaborations when they are of mutual benefit and further the attainment of shared values and goals. In general, in addition to compliance with the rest of this division, the Department considers the following elements to be important to successful collaboration on land acquisitions:
(1) Acquisition opportunities must align with the goals, strategies, and priorities for land acquisition established by the Commission;
(2) The potential partner engages with the Department early in the process, and frequently throughout, including full disclosure and transparency on all of the details of the proposal. The Department commits to treat partners in the same way, both for projects brought to it, and where the Department seeks out a collaborator;
(3) An understanding by the potential partner that discussions with the Department staff are preliminary and that only the Commission may approve a land acquisition;
(4) The Department is very willing to give attention and publicity to projects and the accomplishments of partners and believes its participation in a deal can add to that;
(5) A demonstration that the county, local community, interested state and federal agencies support the acquisition, and that the acquisition accommodates public use and access;
(6) An understanding by the potential partner that the Department must undertake real estate transactions in a transparent manner and involve willing sellers who are paid fair market value and only after due diligence has been done, and risks adequately addressed; and
(7) A recognition that the Department is subject to specific and extensive state statutes, rules, and public accountability.
Stat. Auth.: ORS 390.121 & 390.124
Stats. Implemented: ORS 390.112390.117(5) & 390.121