Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 735-020-0010 - Perfection of Security Interest; Primary Ownership Document
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) This rule specifies the documents DMV will consider primary ownership documents for the purposes of perfecting a security interest in a vehicle.
(2) Except as provided in section (3) of this rule, a primary ownership document is:
(3) Notwithstanding section (2) of this rule, DMV may, at its discretion, consider other documents to be primary ownership documents when:
(4) Documents DMV may determine are primary ownership documents under section (3) of this rule include but are not limited to:
(5) When the application for notation of a security interest is for a vehicle or camper that is initially being titled as assembled, reconstructed, or a vehicle replica, the primary ownership document must be specific to the frame or unibody.
(6) When the application for notation of a security interest is for a vehicle or camper manufactured in more than one stage, the primary ownership document(s) must cover each stage of manufacture.
(7) DMV may invalidate a primary ownership document as evidence of ownership if it determines:
(8) If, after a title has been issued, it is determined that the evidence of ownership is invalid under section (7) of this rule, DMV may cancel the vehicle title. Before a title is cancelled, DMV will send a notice of the proposed cancellation to the vehicle owner or lessee, security interest holder(s) and lessor (if applicable), as listed in DMV records. A cancellation becomes effective 10 days after the date the notice is deposited with the postal service, unless a hearing is requested within that 10-day period. If a timely hearing is requested, the cancellation will be contingent on the outcome of the hearing.
(9) A title cancellation under section (8) of this rule automatically invalidates the security interest(s) noted on that title. A new application for notation for perfection of security interest and valid evidence of ownership must be submitted to DMV before security interest in a vehicle can be perfected pursuant to ORS 803.097.
(10) DMV will not invalidate a primary ownership document as evidence of ownership based solely on missing title requirements (e.g., missing odometer information, and fees).
(11) A document considered by DMV to be a primary ownership document under section (3) of this rule constitutes proof of ownership for purposes of ORS 803.205.
(12) DMV has determined that a dismantler (wrecker) bill of sale provided for the purpose of transferring ownership on a vehicle or camper whose title has been surrendered to another jurisdiction is insufficient proof of ownership if the bill of sale is not on a controlled form issued by the other jurisdiction, contains information that is unverifiable, or does not contain language regarding the truth and accuracy of information contained on the form.
Forms referenced are available from the agency.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619, 801.402, 802.010, 803.097
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 801.402, 803.097, 803.205