Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 733-030-0055 - State Sign Policy
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) General Service Signs for Gas, Food, Lodging and Camping may be used in conjunction with Logo Signs for eligible Services Legends that are not represented by a Logo Sign.
(2) A Trailblazer may be installed upon the recommendations of the Council and approval of the Engineer at Intersections of Conventional State Highways, or Intersections of Conventional State Highways and county roads or city streets if it can be placed on Conventional State Highway right of way. Trailblazers may also be installed on county roads and city streets with the approval of authorities for the local jurisdiction. The text for Trailblazers must have a minimum letter height of 4 inches. Standards for Trailblazers must be adopted by the Engineer.
(3) Subject to the approval of the Council, and if spaces are available, the logo plaque of a Business may be placed on a Ramp or Intersection Sign, although its logo plaque cannot be placed on a Mainline or Advance Logo Sign because permits have already been issued for the maximum number of logo plaques for the particular Logo Sign. If the Logo Sign is not available due to lack of space on an Interstate, Freeway or Expressway, a General Service Sign for that Service Legend must first be installed.
(4) If applications are received for any one Interchange or Intersection for more than the maximum allowable logo plaques to be placed on any one Logo Sign, the order of priority for the wait list must be based on the date of the properly completed application received by the Council.
(5) A Business may apply for Logo Signs, TOD Signs and Museum Signs on more than one adjacent or intersecting highway to that Business.
(6) Any Business may be allowed one logo plaque on one Mainline or Advance Logo Sign in each direction of travel for each Service Legend on any Interstate, Freeway, Expressway or Conventional State Highway.
(7) Any TOD or Museum Business may be allowed one Advance TOD or Museum Sign in each direction of travel on any Conventional State Highway.
(8) The Owner or Responsible Operator of a Business must file an application for placement of its logo plaque on a Logo Sign. After criteria have been met and Permits issued, must tender the permit fee for the first year. The Business must also agree to furnish the necessary logo plaques to be affixed to the Logo Signs.
(9) The Owner or Responsible Operator of a Business must file an application for placement of a TOD Sign or Museum Sign. After criteria have been met and Permits issued, must tender the permit fee for the first year.
(10) Eligibility of Businesses for continued placement of their logo plaque on a Logo Sign or TOD Sign or Museum Sign may be reviewed by the Council at any time to assess whether the Business or the Logo Sign, TOD Sign or Museum Sign location meets present guidelines. If the review finds that the Business or the sign location does not meet all applicable rules and laws, the sign or logo plaque may be removed. If the sign or logo plaque is removed, the remaining permit fees will be refunded.
(11) If payment is not received for a renewal permit on or before the payment due date stated in the Council's invoice, the logo plaque or sign may be removed. The space made available after the removal of a logo plaque or sign due to nonpayment of fees may be offered to the next qualified Business on a wait list for that Sign. Should space continue to be available and the removed Business desire to have its logo plaque or sign reinstalled, the Council may require a new review to be performed prior to approving the reinstallation. If approved for reinstallation, the Business must pay the permit fees due and reinstallation fee prior to reinstallation of their logo plaque or sign.
(12) Notwithstanding section (10) of this rule, a Business is entitled to the installation of a logo plaque or sign for one year following the remittance of their permit or invoice.
(13) Notwithstanding section (10) of this rule, the logo plaque or sign of a Business may be removed and replaced by another qualified Business for failure to comply with subsections (a)-(c) of this section as hereafter set out:
(14) If due to fire, accident or similar causes, a Business becomes inoperable for an extended period of time, exceeding seven days, but not more than 90 days, its logo plaque or sign must be temporarily removed, but the Business will not lose its priority, nor be required to reapply prior to the permit renewal date. Further extension may be granted for good cause shown. However, failure of the Owner or Responsible Operator to proceed with necessary repairs as rapidly as possible may cause loss of the right to continued placement of the logo plaque or sign and require a new application.
(15) Notwithstanding the fact that a Business meets all of the other eligibility qualifications of these rules, an application may be denied if it is determined by the Council after investigation by the Engineer that adequate direction to the Business cannot be given by a reasonable number of allowable Ramp Signs, Intersection Signs or Trailblazers.
(16) If a sign is removed due to reconstruction at any given Interchange, and only one Service Legend may be retained, the Council shall survey the Immediate Area of that Interchange to assess availability of specific Services Legends. The Service Legends not available within the Immediate Area, but located at the Interchange to be removed, will have legends retained to meet business needs. If all legends are represented in the Immediate Area, legends at that Interchange will be retained by giving priority to the date of application of the first Business of all legends installed.
(17) In the case of removal, relocation, displacement, destruction of or damage to the sign or logo plaque from any act of the Business, its officers, employees or agents, a claim for a refund of the Permit fee will not be valid.
(18) Any Business that Simultaneously changes ownership and the registered business name on a logo plaque or sign with a waiting list forfeits the right to the space and the logo plaques or sign will be removed. The next Business on the wait list may be notified of the available space.
(19) Seasonal Businesses must notify the Council of their seasonal dates at the time of application and of any changes in seasonal dates during the duration of the Permit period. Logo plaques for seasonal Businesses must be removed or covered during the period of seasonal closure. TOD and Museum Signs must be covered or removed during the period of seasonal closure.
(20) If a Business qualifies for a Gas, Food, Lodging or Camping Logo Sign, it does not also qualify for an Historical Attraction Logo Sign on the Interstate, Freeway or Expressway. If a Business qualifies as an ODOT Cultural and Historical Feature and receives Cultural and Historical signs from ODOT, it does not qualify for any Logo Signs. If a Business qualifies for a Gas, Food, Lodging or Camping Logo Sign, it does not qualify for a TOD or Museum Sign on the Conventional State Highway.
(21) Any Intersection TOD or Museum Sign erected as the Advance TOD or Museum Sign before September 19, 1988, may be maintained.
(22) Those TOD or Museum Businesses that had CLOSED riders installed prior to November 15, 1996, will continue to use the CLOSED riders as long as it is determined by the Council and ODOT that they can be easily accessed and safely operated.
Publications: Publications & forms referenced are available from the agency.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 377.787
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 377.710, 377.790-377.830, 377.833-377.836 & 377.838 - 377.845