Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 731-090-0020 - RUC Payer: Enrolling in the Program
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) For a vehicle to be eligible for participation in the Road Usage Charge Program, the registered owner or lessee of the motor vehicle must:
(2) The registered owner of lessee of the motor vehicle must provide a minimum of the following information for the subject vehicle to the Account Manager:
(3) The Department may determine certain vehicles are ineligible for the Program if:
(4) RUC Payers who are dissatisfied with the reporting or payment requirements of their selected Account Manager may un-enroll from the Program and re-enroll in the Program with another Account Manager. Reenrollment is contingent upon the RUC Payer being in good standing with the previous Account Manager.
(5) At the discretion of the Department, the Department may issue emblems to selected RUC Payers who have use fuel vehicles enrolled in the Program, with the permission or at the request of the RUC Payer.
(6) At the discretion of the Department or the Account Manager, a RUC Payer may be unenrolled from the Program for Non-Compliance.
(7) Electric Vehicles that enroll in the Program will be exempted from paying additional registration fees in HB 2017, Section 32 (2017 Oregon Laws, chapter 750), at the time of vehicle registration. If the electric vehicle is un-enrolled from the Program, or is removed from the Program for non-compliance, the entity the vehicle is registered to will be responsible for paying all applicable registration fees.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.616, 184.619 & 319.883 - 319.990
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 319.915