Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 731-007-0530 - Prequalification Requirements
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Prospective bidders who wish to become prequalified must apply and follow the application procedures set forth herein. Prequalification applications must be received at ODOT's address shown in the prequalification application at least 10 calendar days before the bid opening in which the applicant wishes to participate.
(2) All applicants desiring to prequalify shall complete and submit the prequalification application, in accordance with the directions contained therein, setting forth their qualifications to satisfactorily carry out the work to be performed. Applicants must sign a sworn affidavit that the information they provide in the prequalification application is true.
(3) If an applicant fails to complete the application as required, ODOT will return the material submitted. Any changes or additional information required by ODOT must be submitted and signed by a person authorized to sign the original application. The changes and additional information must be attested to by a sworn affidavit. The applicant may send a new application that includes the changes or additional information required by ODOT.
(4) The date on which all required information has been received by ODOT as required will be considered the receipt date of the prequalification application.
(5) Each member of a joint venture must be prequalified, with at least one of the joint venture members prequalified in each of the project's designated class(es) of work as defined in section (1) of this rule. A joint venture may be required to submit a joint venture agreement prior to award of the contract.
(6) Subcontractors are not required to be, but may be, prequalified.
(7) Any applicant for prequalification who willfully makes, or causes to be made, any false, deceptive or fraudulent statements in any questionnaire or statement required to be submitted under this rule, shall be denied prequalification (or the applicant's current prequalification shall be revoked).
(8) Applicants must renew their prequalifications as directed by ODOT's prequalification application procedures.
(9) Applicants shall update their prequalification application with ODOT when information changes. Any change to an applicant prequalification application must be received at ODOT's address shown in the prequalification application at least 10 days prior to bid opening if that information affects the bid submitted. Any changes requested by the applicant must be submitted and signed by a person authorized to sign the original application. The changes must be attested to by sworn affidavit. There is no charge to update an existing prequalification for minor changes such as changing an address, or adding or deleting class(es) of work. Major changes must be submitted by a new prequalification application.
(10) Sections (1) through (9) of this rule also apply to applicants who use ODOT's prequalification system to prequalify for local agency projects.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619, 279A.050, 279A.065 & 279C.430
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 279C.430