Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) Authority.
ODOT may disqualify an Entity from consideration of award of ODOT's Contracts
after providing the Entity with notice and a reasonable opportunity to be heard
in accordance with section (3) of this rule.
(a) Standards for Conduct Disqualification.
As provided in ORS 279C.440, ODOT may disqualify an Entity for:
(A) Conviction for the commission of a
criminal offense as an incident in obtaining or attempting to obtain a public
or private Contract or subcontract, or in the performance of such Contract or
(B) Conviction under
state or federal statutes of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery,
falsification or destruction of records, receiving stolen property, or any
other offense indicating a lack of business integrity or business honesty that
currently, seriously and directly affects the Entity's responsibility as a
(C) Conviction under
state or federal antitrust statutes; or
(D) Violation of a public or private Contract
provision that is regarded by ODOT to be so serious as to justify
Disqualification under ORS 279C.440(2)(d).
(E) The Entity does not carry workers'
compensation or unemployment insurance in compliance with statutory and
contractual requirements.
(b) Standards for DBE Disqualification. As
provided in ORS 200.065, 200.075 or 279A.110, ODOT may disqualify an Entity's
right to submit an Offer or to participate in a Contract (e.g. subcontractors)
as follows:
(A) For a DBE Disqualification
under ORS 200.065, ODOT may disqualify an Entity upon finding that:
(i) The Entity fraudulently obtained or
retained or attempted to obtain or retain or aided another person to
fraudulently obtain or retain certification as a disadvantaged business
enterprise, a minority-owned business, a woman-owned business, a business that
a veteran owns, or an emerging small business;
(ii) The Entity knowingly made a false claim
that any person is qualified for certification or is certified under ORS
200.055 for the purpose of gaining a Contract or subcontract or other benefit;
(iii) The Entity has been
disqualified by another Agency pursuant to ORS 200.065.
(B) For a DBE Disqualification under ORS
200.075, ODOT may disqualify an Entity upon finding that:
(i) The Entity has entered into an agreement
representing that a disadvantaged business enterprise, a minority-owned
business, a woman-owned business, a business that a veteran owns, or an
emerging small business pursuant to ORS 200.055 certified enterprise, will
perform services or supply materials under a Contract without the knowledge and
consent of the certified enterprise;
(ii) The Entity exercises management and
decision-making control over the internal operations, as defined by ORS
200.075(1)(b), of any certified enterprise;
(iii) The Entity uses a disadvantaged
business enterprise ("DBE"), a minority-owned business ("MBE"), a woman-owned
business ("WBE"), a business that a veteran owns, or an emerging small business
("ESB") to perform services under a Contract or to provide supplies under a
Contract to meet an established DBE/MBE/WBE/ESB goal, and such enterprise does
not perform a commercially useful function, as defined by ORS 200.075(4), in
performing its obligations under the Contract; or
(iv) If an Entity is disqualified for a DBE
Disqualification under ORS 200.075, ODOT shall not permit such Entity to
participate in ODOT's Contracts.
(C) For a DBE Disqualification under ORS
279A.110, ODOT may disqualify an Entity if ODOT finds that the Entity
discriminated against a disadvantaged business enterprise, a minority-owned
business, a woman-owned business, a business that a veteran owns, or an
emerging small business in awarding a subcontract under a prior Contract with
Notice of Intent to Disqualify. ODOT shall notify the Entity in Writing of a
proposed Disqualification under subsection (1) above, personally or in writing.
This notice shall:
(a) State that ODOT intends
to disqualify the Entity;
(b) Set
forth the reasons for the Disqualification;
(c) Include a statement of the Entity's right
to a hearing if requested in Writing within the time stated in the notice and
that if ODOT does not receive the Entity's Written request for a hearing within
the time stated, the Entity shall have waived its right to a hearing;
(d) Include a statement of the authority and
jurisdiction under which the hearing will be held;
(e) Include a reference to the particular
sections of the statutes and rules involved;
(f) State the proposed Disqualification
period; and
(g) State that the
Entity may be represented by legal counsel.
(3) Hearing. ODOT shall schedule a hearing
upon ODOT receipt of the Entity's timely request. ODOT shall notify the Entity
of the time and place of the hearing and provide information on the procedures,
right of representation and other rights related to the conduct of the hearing
prior to hearing.
(4) Notice of
Disqualification. ODOT will notify the Entity in Writing of its
Disqualification under subsection (1) above, personally or by registered or
certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice shall contain:
(a) The effective date and period of
(b) The grounds
for Disqualification; and
(c) A
statement of the Entity's appeal rights and applicable appeal deadlines. For a
Conduct Disqualification or a DBE Disqualification under ORS 279A.110, the
disqualified Entity must notify ODOT in Writing within three business days
after receipt of ODOT's notice of Disqualification if the Entity intends to
appeal ODOT's decision.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619, 279A.050 &
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 200.065, 200.075, 279A.110,
279C.440, 279C.445 & 279C.450