Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 731-001-0025 - Public Records Request Requirements and Fees
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) The Oregon Department of Transportation will disclose all information in its custody unless such information is exempt from disclosure under Chapter 192 of the Oregon Revised Statutes.
(2) As used in this rule, the term "public record" is defined in ORS 192.410(5).
(3) Persons requesting public records from the Department shall make the request in writing using the Department's request form found online at http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Get-Involved/Pages/Public-Records.aspx and shall submit the request using the email link embedded in the form (ODOTPublicRecordRequests@odot.state.or.us) or deliver to PRR Coordinator MS 51, 355 Capitol Street NE, Salem OR 97301. At a minimum the request must:
(4) Within five business days the Department will acknowledge receipt of a request and state:
(5) The Department adopts DAS statewide policy 107-001-030 (dated 2-15-17) to calculate fees and to determine whether a request for a fee waiver or reduction meets the public interest thresholds.
(6) Pre-payment of any fees associated with a request may be required by the Department before work begins or, if work has begun, before records are released. The Department shall close any public records request if a requester fails to pay the actual, estimated or reduced fee within 60 days of the date on which the Department informed the requester of the requirement for pre-payment of fees.
(7) Fee waivers or reductions. A request to waive or reduce fees must be submitted on a separate form provided online by the Department at http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Get-Involved/Pages/Public-Records.aspx and submitted to ODOTPublicRecordRequests@odot.state.or.us or delivered to PRR Coordinator MS 51, 355 Capitol Street NE, Salem OR 97301.
(8) Within ten business days after the acknowledgement period or receipt of the estimated fees, when applicable, or upon granting a fee waiver, the Department shall complete the public records request or provide a written statement that the Department is processing the request and a reasonable estimated date by which the Department expects to complete its response based on the information currently available, except as provided in section (9).
(9) Where the time periods in section (4) and section (8) would be impracticable, the Department shall acknowledge a public records request and complete the response to the request as soon as practicable and without unreasonable delay. The time periods in sections (4) and (8) are impracticable when:
(10) Electronic Records. Copies of requested electronic records may be provided in the format or manner maintained by the Department. The Department will perform all downloading, reproducing, formatting and manipulating of records.
(11) Provisions in this rule do not apply to records held by the Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division of the Department of Transportation. DMV public records rules are in OAR chapter 735, division 10.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.619, 192.430 & 192.440
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 192.410 - 192.505