Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 731-001-0007 - Definitions Which Apply to OAR 731-001-0009
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
For purposes of 731-001-0009, the following definitions apply:
(1) "Appointee" means a person who has been appointed to the commission by the Governor and has not yet been confirmed by a vote of the Senate pursuant to Oregon Constitution, Article III, Section 4.
(2) "Commission" means the Oregon Transportation Commission established under ORS 184.612.
(3) "Commissioner" means a person who has been appointed to the commission by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate pursuant to Oregon Constitution, Article III, Section 4.
(4) "Conflict" means an actual conflict of interest as defined in ORS 244.020(1) or any action, decision, or recommendation by a commissioner acting in their official capacity on a matter under consideration by the commission the effect of which would be to the benefit or detriment of a beneficiary to whom the commissioner owes a legally imposed duty to act in the best interests of and to whom the commissioner owes the highest degree of loyalty.
(5) "Direct or Indirect Financial Interest" as used in ORS 184.612 means an identifiable, personal pecuniary interest of an appointee that is directly or conditionally affected by the commission's performance of its duties. It does not include a hypothetical, remote, or attenuated connection to commission projects, contracts, or funding.
(6) "Direct or Indirect Fiduciary Interest" as used in ORS 184.612 means a personal and unimputed fiduciary duty of an appointee that is directly or conditionally implicated by the commission's performance of its duties.
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 184.612(3) & 184.619
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 184.612(3)