Oregon Administrative Rules
Section 695-047-0110 - Focused Investment Partnership Implementation Initiative Project-level Grant Process
Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 12, December 1, 2024
(1) The core partners of a Focused Investment Implementation Initiative shall select projects to implement the Initiative.
(2) Project applications shall be submitted on current forms on a schedule determined by the partnership and OWEB staff.
(3) Project applications shall include a matching contribution from other non-Board program funds or in-kind services, notwithstanding OAR 695-005-0030(3).
(4) Following consultation with the partnership about expertise that is relevant to the Implementation Initiative's focus, a technical review team shall be convened by OWEB. Technical review team members shall have appropriate expertise in the Focused Investment Partnership Initiative subject matter and geography.
(5) The technical review team shall meet to evaluate project-level applications according to the project's compatibility with the Initiative's proposal and relevant evaluation criteria established in OAR Chapter 695. Representatives of the partnership shall be provided an opportunity to meet with the technical review team during the project evaluation to provide context for proposed projects.
(6) OWEB staff shall provide the technical review team evaluations to the applicant. Applicants and staff shall address review team comments through an amendment or other agreed upon process.
(7) Notwithstanding 695-005-0060(2) and (8) initiatives require 25% match, reported at the Initiative-level for the biennium. Each project within the initiative also requires match. Prior to disbursement of Board funds for a project the grantee must provide proof that the matching contribution has been secured for the project. Initiatives that do not meet the required 25% match by the end of the biennium will not be awarded subsequent Implementation Initiative funding.
(8) Grant types for Focused Investment Implementation Initiatives are Restoration (OAR 695-010), Stakeholder Engagement (OAR 695-015), Monitoring (OAR 695-025), Technical Assistance (OAR 695-030), Land Acquisition (OAR 695-045), and Water Lease and Transfer (OAR 695-046).
Statutory/Other Authority: ORS 541.906
Statutes/Other Implemented: ORS 541.890-541.969