Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
The Small Grant Program will fund only those projects that:
(a) Demonstrate in the Small Grant Project
application a clear watershed benefit to aquatic species, wildlife, or
watershed health.
(b) Are
consistent with the local Small Grant Team's priority watershed concerns, as
identified in their program grant agreements with OWEB.
(c) Adhere to OWEB administrative rules, OAR
695-005-0010-695-005-0060 and 695-050-0010-695-050-0050.
(d) Implement a project to restore, enhance,
or protect native fish or wildlife habitat, watershed or ecosystem functions,
or water quality.
(e) Are
implemented in a manner that follows professionally accepted restoration
approaches resulting in ecological or watershed benefits.
(f) Use and clearly identify in the small
grant application technical guidance from at least one of the approved sources
in OAR 695-035-0030(3), and cite in the application the practice code(s), or
the page number and paragraph, for the technical guidance source
(g) Where applicable, have
been approved for technical sufficiency by the appropriate state agency, or by
the appropriate tribal government for projects on Tribal Trust Lands.
(2) Small Grant Projects to be
completed in phases on the same property are eligible for Small Grant Project
funding, provided only one phase is submitted for funding consideration per
OWEB fiscal year, and provided all phases occur at different locations on the
property. In general, OWEB encourages multi-phased project applications to be
submitted through other OWEB grant programs.
(3) Teams must select from the following list
when identifying priority watershed concerns for their Small Grant Area:
(a) Instream Process and Function;
(b) Fish Passage;
(c) Urban Impact Reduction;
(d) Riparian Process and Function;
(e) Wetland Process and Function;
(f) Upland Process and Function;
(g) Water Quantity and Quality/Irrigation
(h) Road Impact
(4) The
following project types are eligible for funding. Teams are encouraged to be
strategic in identifying eligible project types in an effort to better support
salmon recovery objectives and Agricultural Water Quality Management Area
Plans. Teams may petition OWEB to allow project types not appearing on the
list, as described in OAR 695-035-0020(9)(c).
(a) Instream Process and Function.
(A) Improve Instream Habitat: place large
wood, boulders, or salmon carcasses;
(B) Manage Erosion: bioengineer stream banks,
slope stream banks, or develop water gaps, streambank barbs;
(C) Eradicate or Control Exotic Aquatic
(b) Fish
(A) Remove Irrigation or Push-Up
Dams: install alternatives (e.g., infiltration galleries, point-of-diversion
transfers) or convert from gravity diversion to pumps;
(B) Remove and/or Replace Culverts (as a
condition of funding, such projects require ODFW or ODF technical review and
approval, or tribal government review and approval for projects on Tribal Trust
Lands, using a standard OWEB form; and for culverts under state roads, a 50
percent ODOT match);
(C) Remove or
Replace Stream Crossings (as a condition of funding, such projects require ODFW
or ODF technical review and approval, or tribal government review and approval
for projects on Tribal Trust Lands, using a standard OWEB form).
(c) Urban Impact Reduction.
(A) Install Stormwater Runoff Treatments
(e.g., create bioswales, pervious surfaces, native plant buffers, green
(B) Create Off-Channel
Flood Storage;
(C) Employ
Integrated Pest Management.
(d) Riparian Process and Function.
(A) Manage Nutrient and Sediment Inputs
through managed grazing (e.g., fencing and developing off-channel watering) and
(B) Manage Vegetation:
plant or seed native riparian species, propagate native riparian plants, or
control weeds in conjunction with a restoration project;
(C) Employ Integrated Pest
(e) Wetland
Process and Function.
(A) Manage Nutrient and
Sediment Inputs: fence out livestock or develop alternative watering
(B) Manage Vegetation:
control weeds (in conjunction with a restoration project), or plant native
wetland species;
(C) Restore
Wetlands: excavate or remove fill, or eliminate drainage structures;
(D) Employ Integrated Pest
(f) Upland
Process and Function.
(A) Manage Erosion on
Agricultural Lands: terrace land; employ laser leveling; create windbreaks;
install water and sediment control basins (WASCBs); develop filter
strips/grassed waterways; manage mud (e.g., gravel high-use areas, develop
paddocks); seed bare areas (OWEB may require a grazing management plan, if
appropriate, prior to release of funds. For post-fire areas, seed only where
natural regeneration is unlikely - e.g., on slopes of 30 percent or more - or
where it can be demonstrated that seeding would retard or prevent the spread of
noxious weeds); or reduce tillage.
(B) Manage Nutrient and Sediment Inputs to
Streams through the management of grazing, vegetation cover, animal waste, or
irrigation runoff.
(C) Manage
Vegetation: prescribed burning, except when conducted as part of a commercial
harvest; non-commercial thinning; control/remove juniper (except late-seral/old
growth); plant or seed (native upland species or native beneficial mixes
preferred); or control weeds (in conjunction with a restoration project).
Projects for prescribed burning to reduce fuel loads require ODF technical
review and approval, or tribal government review and approval for projects on
Tribal Trust Lands, using a standard OWEB form.
(D) Manage Wildlife: install water
(E) Employ Integrated
Pest Management.
Water Quantity and Quality/Irrigation Efficiency.
(A) Recharge Groundwater: roof water
(B) Implement
Irrigation Practices (e.g., pipe existing ditch, install drip or sprinkler
systems, install automated soil moisture sensors where water and electrical
savings can be documented, or recover or eliminate tail water). Such projects
must either not adversely impact the current level of groundwater in a
Groundwater Management Area, or must measurably reduce the diversion of water
at the point of diversion. As a condition of funding, irrigation efficiency
projects require local watermaster technical review and approval, or tribal
government review and approval for projects on Tribal Trust Lands, using a
standard OWEB form.
Private Road Impact Reduction.
Decommission Roads;
(B) Improve
Surface Drainage: surface road drainage improvements, gravel surfacing, stream